If you don't learn this ship's lore I'll fight you

The Hapan Battle Dragon is one of the most famous EU-only ships in Star Wars Legends, so if you don’t sit down right now and learn the lore for this ship, we’re going to have some serious issues.

Intro/Outro Music: Home – Resonance
Outro meme’d by: https://twitter.com/freightmytrain
Music Playlist: https://goo.gl/YRzmaZ

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30 thoughts on “If you don't learn this ship's lore I'll fight you”

  1. I love the idea of the Hapans. Their own ship design lineage, technology that's a bit off from everyone else, etc. While I love their Miy'til fighters and bombers, I've always hated the aesthetics of the Battle Dragons. They always seemed so far off, design-wise, from everything else, even when compared to the Nova. I just kept seeing stacked flying saucers. Having said that, finally seeing the Battle Dragons in 3d, as well as the Nova nearby, with their "fans", I do like the design more.

    As for the Nova, I've always liked it, but there's something about the wings that I don't like, and I don't know how to fix it. It's just the way the back curves into the wings makes it seem like something got cut off. I guess I'd need the angle of the wings changed (from a fore perspective) or…I don't know, really.

  2. The Hapans were ruled by women. That means that their designs were either made by women or approved of by women. Those women appreciated beauty and elegance, therefore, it makes sense that they try to create functional works of art for their warships. Art tends to not be as effective as an "ugly" utilitarian design, but the Hapan Battle Dragon can be superior if used in a niche roll than a jack of all trades, like a Mon Calamari or Star Destroyer.

    Note: this in no way means that a Hapan Battle Dragon could take on a Rebel, New Republic, or Imperial warship by itself and win, but if used properly, the Hapans would win with far fewer losses in personnel, material, and overall cost than their rivals.

  3. I always felt and feel and say the Hapan Nova Battle cruiser is like in the opposite direction , like it's face back you know , it should be like a whale , but it's like a , double hook anchor opening , and it's hangars are also better facing back than Front into the battle and the Shield fans , you know if it was facing The V shape front and hangers back , it gives it an elegant Whale like look majestic large , and suiting to the Hapan Royal Family #askeck #eck

  4. I like it. It's visually distinct from imperial or mon cal or correllian stuff, but it still fits with the setting. It's different enough to be memorable but still looks like it belongs in Star Wars

  5. The Battle Dragons ended up looking a bit different than I'd imagined.

    I don't think I ever expected to see images and animations of them one day when I first read about them years back.

    The Legends books were great. Disney should have tapped into them immediately instead of trying to completely pretend they didn't exist, just for the sake of their new canon.

    So much potential wasted.

  6. Isnt the Battle Dragon pretty easy to counter with a Attack from infront and above i mean they have only weapons for one direction so just pull a ship from above and shot the weak parts if one trys to Look up the ship from infront shots the weak Points. I wouldn't use that ship Design in bigger Battles

  7. I clicked on the video for the sole purpose of telling you I could take you. I even muted the video so I wont learn the lore (but let it run and left a like so that the algorithm may smile upon you). Bring it!


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