Total Siege: Counterattack Ukrainian Army Use 12 HIMARS Missile Destroyed all Russian military bases

Counterattack Ukrainian Army Use 12 HIMARS Missile Destroyed all Russian military bases. The Ukrainian army has more than 20 HIMARS, M270 and MARS multiple rocket launcher systems in service. In total, the United States has provided more than $16.8 billion military aid to Ukraine to fight Russia.

*Video Footage Used For Illustration Purposes Only


16 thoughts on “Total Siege: Counterattack Ukrainian Army Use 12 HIMARS Missile Destroyed all Russian military bases”

  1. Turkey sent drones to RUSSIA according to the news and it's a nato country. So what are we waiting for? Are nato countries afraid to make Ukraine a nato country! Russia is not afraid to anex part of Ukraine or send unmarked military into Ukraine and send Russian people in plus a strong man to govern. Come on let's go.

  2. This is not the first time the US has given significant weapons aid to a country in desperate need of help to overcome a much stronger enemy.

    In WW2, America gave massive amounts of military aid to the USSR, which was enough to defeat the Nazis. Today, the US is giving massive amounts of military aid to Ukraine. It appears the Russians never learned a thing about the effectiveness of American military aid.

  3. The Russian forces are coiled so tight with the impulse to flee, that at the moment when their artillery is either destroyed or it has become impossible to move back and regroup, they hit the "get da f-ck outa here" release and they're gone, they'd have spent long hours and days watching the evidence of their failure and then putting it together with state of their logistics while simultaneously being overwhelmed by Ukrainian forces, nothing and no-one is coming to deliver any kind of good news.


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