Ice Cube | Club Random with Bill Maher

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Bill Maher and Ice Cube on the pitfalls of fame, the fans you don’t want mad at you, the TV show Ice Cube has never seen, the brilliance of Cube’s lyrics, the prison industry’s connection to music, how to raise good kids, in defense of nepo babies, why Cube’s Big Three basketball league is awesome, and whether or not the state of policing in America has improved.

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39 thoughts on “Ice Cube | Club Random with Bill Maher”

  1. If you are a parent, and wish to find our if your child can write, do on thing: Dictate something and let him or her to write it down. (First, explain what "dictate" is, then just tell the child to write what you say. (No emojis allowed; provide pen and paper.)

    Ninety percent of you will find out that your child doesn't know how to write. Sorry.

  2. Happy Fourth of July! Great podcast. Ice cube keeps it real. Its a good day!!!! The truth shall prevail! We have only one life. So, when they tell you to jump off a cliff are you gonna ask how high? You either be a sheep or listen to your gut and live life. Yes we want to contribute / protect / educate the lies/deception from the truth – towards our grand childrens futures.

  3. Ice Cube just gave an empowering message for Black youths at 4:44. "I kow there's a thousand things I can get into thats destructive. But it's a thousand things I can get into that's constructive. I just choose…" This portion should be shown in every middle and high school in America every single month.

  4. Couple of things Bill…. first not all people who live in Appalachia are racist. I never met a racist hillbilly from Appalachia. They don't like anybody, race isn't a factor.

    2nd, maybe you should ride along with police so you can see what they actually go through. Do you even realize how many are shot and killed during even traffic stops much less anything serious?

    Who are you gong to call if you're in trouble?

    Don't misunderstand me. I've told more than one cop he was the kid who his butt kicked every day in high school because he was an asshole, then got grown and got a badge and a gun and thinks that makes him a man when in reality he's still a pussy. We literally ran one completely out of town. He's never returned, he was about to get shot for fucking with people's wives.

    On the other hand my brother is a Deputy Sheriff and he's not like that at all. He rarely writes a speeding ticket. He gives warnings instead. He's fought with murderers, going through walls and would never run away from a mass shooter at a school. He and his partner responded to a domestic abuse call and as soon as the front door opened the man inside shot his partner graveyard dead. Domestic calls and traffic stops are the most dangerous for them generally.

    You don't know much of what you're talking about, or maybe that's how it is in big cities, I wouldn't know having never lived in one, but that's not how it generally works in rural communities. Our police are generally required to live in the area they patrol. That means his kids go to school with the kid in the community, their wives become friends with the other ladies, they worship together. The people of the community hold our police responsible. If anyone gets shot they deserved to get shot so we don't riot about it. If it was wrong we wouldn't trust that cop anymore so he'd have to go. If we see our cops in trouble with someone we jump in to help.

    Sometimes they're not given any other option and they deserve to go home to their families at night too. Just like everyone else. Most people where I live carry, I carry a pistol on my hip openly every day and have for decades. We don't have the problems that cities have. Ironically the places with the biggest gun violence problems have the most stringent "gun control". It's been that way since their laws were implemented because they're too dumb to realize that criminals don't care about that law either.

  5. While Maher may no longer be religious (he was raised Catholic) he agrees with religious teaching that there are boundaries in life we must all observe to avoid self-destruction.

  6. i just got my wrist broken in lil Regina, sk cops hating a race is normal here <3 we have been living it for how long? i didnt resist i dont believe i should have been arrested but hey "fuck the police: lol

  7. So annoying to hear bill complain about something like the high speed rail not working out. It's called government corruption, by the people in Cali you likely voted for and had on your show. Conservatives were screaming that this was going to happen back when we were voting on it. He never admits he was part of the problem.

  8. They own the labels, the prisons, the banks, food industries, alcohol and tobacco, big pharma, you name it, and its worldwide not just one country, its globalism at work

  9. One of the only politicians I have ever respected unfortunately recently retired. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina. Look him up on YouTube. You'll like and respect him also.


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