Icarus just got even better.

Follow me back to Icarus for some open world survival. I’m supper luck to have my friends with me…


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23 thoughts on “Icarus just got even better.”

  1. I missed this notification. Just watchin it. Half way in to the video…my thoughts..
    • Please for the love of youtube gods…make this a weekly series. With 4 of you. You,Fooster,Olaf and Taco. Previously known as "Ludicrous Speed" the loot goblin on Icurus.
    • This gonna be a 2 team series(if you guys continue this)…You and Fooster one one team and Olaf and Taco another team..two married couples. 😂

  2. I had no interest in Icarus when it launched, because the game play was very shallow and literally losing everything and repeating it over and over again was just terrible game design in my mind. Although, now with sandbox survival mode, you can just stay forever and build up your settlement, level up, etc etc I still don't find it that fun. The gameplay loop has no purpose, outside of just building, and unlocking stuff leveling up. What is the ultimate purpose and goal for the tedious grind? Find more materials and stuff to grind again? I feel the game needs more things like raiders, more animal attacks, with bosses, at your base. Meteor showers, a crashing ship you have to find and either save the survivors or fight them if they're raiders? I don't know, just needs more things to do outside of gathering and building, something that Valheim seemed to have a better balance of.

  3. A lil rant from me to you. The Giant Emu you killed is called a Moa in the game and in real life, which were endemic to New Zealand 500-600 years ago and the female grew to 12ft and once was hunted by the Haast’s eagle the largest known eagle to have existed. Now we have a micro version of the Moa called a kiwi. Absolutely love the vid 🎉

  4. Honestly, I hated this game. The timer mechanic was a major part I hated, but on top of that was insane premise of the game. Now I'm pretty good at suspending my disbelief when there's enough fantasy elements involved. But when it's a game with strong hard sci-fi elements, Logic trumps all. So wearing an environmental suit that you have to maintain in order to survive on a planet that is a carbon copy of earth, is just an illogical and annoying game mechanic. Especially when you consider that you will eventually die in that suit if you can't get out of it on a regular basis to wash yourself and clean the suit. Stupid.


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