Against All Odds, Survivors In A Dying Forest
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The climate engineers are contaminating and cutting off the life giving flow of rain to forests all over the world. Trees are dying and incinerating, wildlife is disappearing. I knew I had to do something to turn the tide for my forest friends. Now, against all odds, and in spite of the ever worsening weather warfare over the region, a miraculous outcome is taking place. This installment of “Into The Wild provides” an uplifting chapter in an ever darkening world.  
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.
Dane Wigington

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Must view, THE DIMMING, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:

Geoengineering Watch Vs. The “Fact Checker”, Lawsuit Filed:

The Catastrophic Consequences Of Climate Engineering:

To see firsthand film footage of the climate engineering impact on our forests and its vanishing inhabitants, view the new series: “Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington”:

In the attempt to answer as many questions as possible on the dire issue of climate engineering, Geoengineering Watch is producing a weekly “Climate Engineering News Q and A”: By submitting a question to this email [email protected] you are granting permission for your question and your first name to be read online. If you do not want your first name mentioned, please state that you wish to remain anonymous.

Geoengineering Watch has conducted our first ever high altitude particulate testing. Film footage of the flight and lab testing processes are featured in “The Dimming”, a groundbreaking documentary that is currently in production. This is a new 12+ minute insight segment on the upcoming film.

This is a 4+ minute trailer of the groundbreaking documentary “The Dimming”:

The latest and most effective awareness raising materials can be found at the links below:
2 sided color glossy informational flyers:
20 page fact and photo summary booklets:
Geoengineering Watch t-shirts, cards and bumper stickers:

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To follow the latest videos please subscribe to our youtube channels below:
Dane Wigington
The Dimming
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To view the locations and photo credits of the images shown, click here:


43 thoughts on “Against All Odds, Survivors In A Dying Forest”

  1. If you like this video, please SUBSCRIBE to our channel: Click the bell to ensure you are notified of our new videos.
    The climate engineers are contaminating and cutting off the life giving flow of rain to forests all over the world. Trees are dying and incinerating, wildlife is disappearing. I knew I had to do something to turn the tide for my forest friends. Now, against all odds, and in spite of the ever worsening weather warfare over the region, a miraculous outcome is taking place. This installment of "Into The Wild provides" an uplifting chapter in an ever darkening world.
    All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.
    Dane Wigington

    For more information go to the full Geoengineering Watch article:

    To support Geoengineering Watch:

    To receive Geoengineering Watch updates, please sign up for our mailing list:

    Geoengineering Watch t-shirts, cards and bumper stickers:

    Must view, THE DIMMING, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:

    Geoengineering Watch Vs. The "Fact Checker", Lawsuit Filed:

    The Catastrophic Consequences Of Climate Engineering:

    To see firsthand film footage of the climate engineering impact on our forests and its vanishing inhabitants, view the new series: "Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington":

    In the attempt to answer as many questions as possible on the dire issue of climate engineering, Geoengineering Watch is producing a weekly “Climate Engineering News Q and A”: By submitting a question to this email you are granting permission for your question and your first name to be read online. If you do not want your first name mentioned, please state that you wish to remain anonymous.

    Geoengineering Watch has conducted our first ever high altitude particulate testing. Film footage of the flight and lab testing processes are featured in “The Dimming”, a groundbreaking documentary that is currently in production. This is a new 12+ minute insight segment on the upcoming film.

    This is a 4+ minute trailer of the groundbreaking documentary “The Dimming”:

    The latest and most effective awareness raising materials can be found at the links below:
    2 sided color glossy informational flyers:
    20 page fact and photo summary booklets:
    Geoengineering Watch t-shirts, cards and bumper stickers:

    To follow us on Facebook, click here:

    To follow the latest videos please subscribe to our youtube channels below:
    Dane Wigington
    The Dimming
    Geoengineering Watch
    Geo Watch

    To view the locations and photo credits of the images shown, click here:

    Our hope and goal is for this video to be forwarded far and wide. DO NOT re-upload any part of this copyrighted video.

  2. THE 🐸FROG HAVE A LIFE PURPOSE TO KEEP THE INSECTS🪳🪰🦗🕷🪱🦠🪲 UNDER CONTROL. D'evil 👹People are doing the evil self destruction to all living species and Mother EARTH. KEEP UP THE WONDERFUL WORK Dane Wiginton Light People Are Watch Your Works. Dane IS THE REALITY CAPTAIN PLANET🙏.

  3. Brown dust like film gathering on trash bins and such in our area as well… Safe to say that is not 'pollen' either… Probably heavy metal fallout from the operations in our area, greater NE US.

  4. Dane, I went camping in Payson, AZ up in the mountains this week and there is such an abundance of life up there. It brought me so much joy. I heard so many insects, birds, owls, and saw worms in the fertile soil and mushrooms everywhere! It gives me hope. It’s wonderful to see this beautiful pond and your toad buddies. Thank you for sharing this piece of heaven with us. We must never give up on fighting for nature and all life on this planet.

  5. Love this video be good to have more of this kind of videos from yourself it is a bit different good to see the environment you are in would be good to see what kind of food you are also growing self-sustainable any fruit nut trees berries you are growing I myself and little boy try to plant as many different apple seeds everywhere we can in an area close to ourselves and we share your videos to as many different people and platforms as possible to awaken people do what is going on keep up the great work and if you have a channel specifically for being self-sufficient with what you do with your own growing your own food etc and grow and stuff in the forest around you it would be great thanks

  6. Thankyou Dane..You're the tip of the spear…The truth finds a way….The Earth will survive all the anthropogenic and natural disasters thrown it's way…It could take millions of years to make a comeback but it will survive even a nuclear world war, huge comet or asteroid, pole shift et al.

  7. Great to see you happy about your frogs and I can hear it in your voice too! Hey one thing that I have noticed no jets flying over Turlock now for a week or so! Nice to see clean blue sky’s. It’s been awhile. Thanks Dane for the tour of your bullfrog pond and happy to see life.

  8. Thank you for sharing the good news about lost lake with us! So great to hear you laugh Dane. It is wonderful that the frogs are thriving!
    My birdbath gets that sheen on the water too. So disgusting.

  9. My husband built 3 ponds from a little spring running through our place 45 yrs ago. We love our frogs, the bull frogs and the peepers. He has also stocked it with any small trout which have grown nicely. Blessings on you…and don’t you love the evenings with their songs for us. (Bullfrog songs😉). The weather killed off a lot of local gardens in the Our area (NW Mt) I replanted, but not getting much…

  10. This was a fun video, so was easier for me to finally share with some friends for the first time. These friends are the willfully ignorant yet denying type which we all know. Crazy is, they are wealthy, smart, naturalist-type, big land owners of property just like the one you are showing – I don't know why they are so resistive.

  11. Thank you for showing this much needed video. It was so nice to hear you laugh. I believe you find some peace and happiness here, but yet you can show and get this serious message out. Thank you Mr. Wigington for all you do. God Bless you.


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