I Was NOT Ready for THIS!!! (1077)

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42 thoughts on “I Was NOT Ready for THIS!!! (1077)”

  1. I caught up to one piece during the war. I can finally conclude that one piece is better being read all at once. I still love the series and eagerly read it every Sunday but the writing is just different than other manga.

  2. When Stella said to the other 6 that they have an ally to this island, they reffered to the ally as “them”.Moreover when Vegapunk called the ally,Stussy was with the CP0 and Stussy also emphasized that she cannot overwrite Cp0s orders towards the seraphims.Stella seems like he does not know who attacked him.Maybe it has to do with Stussys power that puts the enemy to sleep.I do not say the traitor is Stussy, but something is weird with all this stuff.

  3. I don't know Brook is slept on a lot. But since he's kept more in the background he's gotta take a few losses so the king doesn't end up sounding like Voltron having to add legs as well.

  4. Saturn has to be on the Island right? Pretty much all of the Vegapunks are accounted for (Except Atlas but I doubt it's them), and it wouldn't make sense for it to be Stussy (because why would she do a double betrayal), and Bonny since Stella didn't recognize them. Ig Caribou is an option but I doubt he's been orchestrating this whole event. Saturn is maybe the only one Stella wouldn't recognize and have control of the Seraphim but that doesn't work towards the traitor angle that has been established thus far. Yeah this shit is just really confusing

  5. My guess is it's Stussy that's the traitor. Unless there's something I'm forgetting that blatantly tells us that it's not her (my theory is also based on that not everything that's shown to at the same time happens at the same time except for scenarios like with Namis scream), Stussy just ticks too many boxes for me. Traitor no one expects, opened the dome, good knowledge of Egghead Island and the inner workings, fighting both Vegapunk and CP numbers.

  6. I don’t think Shaka is dead but I don’t think it’s the norm fake death. You suspected shaka in another one of your videos, so what if it’s an Aizen situation where he fakes his death?

  7. I like one of two theories for the traitor that I have seen online, though I don't have sources to share. One, S-Flamingo gained autonomy through being a clone of a Celestial Dragon and is issuing orders as one thus overriding Vegapunk's authority. Or two, and I feel like this would be a moment of why didn't we see this sooner, it's Edison. Just as Shaka could have faked his own death, Edison could have faked going down, and if Vegapunk is kind of the OP Nicola Tesla, it would make sense that Edison would be the one to bring him down.

  8. so like… oda is just using astrology. like the entire story. and he’s using religious stories to tell the same story over and over. Imu will be representing both the moon and lilith. the two sides of the feminine power

  9. Liam, you just said INCIDENT and guess what the narrator said after the StrawHat Grand Fleet got made "they will cause a major incident"– fighting the marines that are in their way to Egg Head might just be that incident. (and they all get captured or something which would be funny because we'll have an Impel Down breakout pt.2)

  10. It’s stussy. Hell find a way. She’s already done the double agent thing. He’s going for the triple agent story line. This is a perfect opportunity for him to pull it off.

  11. I used to give the 4Kids dub a lot of crap for replacing all the guns with squirt guns, but thinking about it more, that's not too bad a representation of how much guns matter against the Straw Hats

  12. It’s possible that Bonnie is the traitor, like I said before just a theory, but maybe the government made a deal with her to bring back her father and memories. If she killed the Vega punks, she was found near the island and she hates the Vega punks.

  13. oda has done such a good job with the mystery. the more info we get the hard it is to deduce. i haven't heard a theory that fully explains everything. oda keeping that final piece that puts everything together close to his chest.


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