I Tried So Hard And I Got So Far But In The End It Didn't Even Matter

Today Bob’s story of Google Glass inspires Mark and Wade to find great stories of failure in history.


36 thoughts on “I Tried So Hard And I Got So Far But In The End It Didn't Even Matter”

  1. Wade- “I got archaeologists”
    Me, someone who has listened to all episodes at least 2 times- “ummm, actually, you WANTED, to be an archaeologists, but you didn’t get that on your test, and then pursued law because lawyer was on it”

  2. Governments are more than stupid. Tesla (not the car company, but the OG Nikola Tesla) offered the USA both a tower for limitless electricity and a super weapon that could have ended the war with Germany early. The government said no, and insisted on phones and sonar.

  3. Sometimes innovative technology fails so others can develop. Glass just paved the way for VR and HUDs in cars, as well as affordable pocket projectors. Glass failed because of lack of practicality. Whether Google meant it or not, Glass sought to replace smartphones in the public sector. It was meant to pair with your phone, put your phone in your pocket, and forget about it while you walk around with these glasses on your head, going "Hey Google, blah blah blah" can you imagine how annoying that would be if they were affordable and went mainstream?. Imagine you're at comic con or something and the majority of people wearing Glass, constantly hearing them go "Hey Google, Hey Google, Hey Google, Hey Google"

    There was also many concerns regarding Glass, police thought this was cause impaired driving. In this ad driven world, people were also concerned Google would push ads "direct to eye" eventually. Knowing Google they would have some kind of subscription system to remove ads and have "convenient features".


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