I Totally Believe Men Do This


34 thoughts on “I Totally Believe Men Do This”

  1. The only boys not men that do this also post it on tiktok because they think it's cool. In reality, literally nobody thinks about the Roman Empire unless they're a history major.

  2. We're learning how to survive after these "insert pronouns" destroy our society.

    Also, Bret, you are way Wifey material. Too bad Ben has you couped up and already in a contract. 😔

  3. I actually watch this crazy one about how they were talking about at the end of every civilization they're always obsessed about gender like the Romans the Greeks the Egyptians all of them

  4. Every time I pee outside I think about the millions of roman soldiers and all men throughout history who have basically shared that exact same experience with me. Something about the peacefulness and serenity, my mind gets transported back in time to peeing of my ancestors

  5. But also why do girls always leave at the same time?
    Once I had a group of girls with my buddies and there were legit 15 of them who all piled into one car and left at the same time like bro what


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