I Shattered My Collarbone into 4 Pieces SURFING

Today I broke my collarbone. It’s been almost 8 years since I destroyed my knee. Since that day my life has changed drastically. I went from spending a lot of my time at bars, parties & asleep at my spiritual wheel to being completely awake & in tune with the world around me. I never saw this coming. I went for a casual surf this morning & never, ever thought that I would end up with a shattered collarbone. I’m surprised, I’m baffled, I’m disappointed & I’m confused. The one aspect of joy I allowed myself so far in this process is the broken collarbone counter, I did get a kick out of that. I’m not sure what to do or say from here, but please just wish me luck. Thank you – Ben

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Fiberglass Surfboards: https://www.superbranded.com/collections/ben-gravys-picks

Skateboards: https://www.sector9.com/blogs/surf/ben-graeff


38 thoughts on “I Shattered My Collarbone into 4 Pieces SURFING”

  1. Ben, Buddy, you are being way too hard on yourself. You got unlucky. You can't stop doing what you love. It's a month or two out of your life. Stay strong brother, and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  2. Gutted for you mate. Hoping for a speedy recovery for yourself! You should keep going with the content if you find it has some therapeutic benefits at least – might help you get through the recovery time a bit better. Good luck to you.

  3. Whooooaaa there Ben. Might want to calm down there man…. Whole new side of you, I would suggest maybe cutting some stuff out next time… It was as if you were prom queen and didn't have a limo type freakout…

  4. Feeling for your pain brother as i can feel it through the video – thankfully u have a wonderful fan community to support that difficult phase of recovery . Often siblings dont listen to Us & project others mental stuffs over our situation . Totally can relate to that !! Mentally , physically , emotionally & relationally , it's a rollercoaster . Many of us have probably had similar tough situations in our lives as well . I broke a few bones in my body 20 years ago +multiple bike accidents in India . The best way i dealt with those unexpected painful accident years ago was to deeply EQUALIZE with the pain / frustrations / shock with Yogic breathing mediations i had learned . Once i deeply accepted that phase , i asked myself : Why did i create it and what can i learn from it during my recovery phase . It brought me a new perspective on how powerful our Souls are creative , resilient , and capable of incredible transformations of consciousness .Its a very humbling experience since the Ego feels powerless . Wishing u all the best , even for the deal u though u messes up with 🙏

  5. I nuked my collarbone x2 riding dirtbikes back in the day and recovery sucks from this injury. Second time around the bone was broke in half and protruding out making it feel like the right side of my frame was shorter than my left. I Had to convince the doctors I needed surgery to fix it and wound up with a plate and seven screws but was fully active a little less than 2 months later. 12 years later Im riding and occasionally surfing with no issues other than backpacks rubbing the screws can become irritating. Maybe something to look. Hope you heal up quick brother!

  6. Broke mine skating in 2001. The drive home was short but difficult (manual transmission…) Pretty sure it took me at least a minute to pick myself up off the pavement – you powered out of the water carrying your stick, very impressive. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.

  7. This video is intense, super raw. We are so sorry you are going through this pain and frustration. Still can't believe you were in that much pain and were able to drive, talk and film. Praying you get well soon and before you know it, this will all be a memory. Thank you for sharing your video!

  8. I'm rehabbing still after surgery two months ago. It sux being on "Injured Reserve" and it keeps you from your vocation and your passions.
    You tough, stay tough and hoping you heal fast.

  9. Suck it up champ. It’s not that bad. May have pain and it not work right for the rest of your life but you’ll get use to it. Good thing about multiple injuries. Won’t be long before something else hurts taking your mind off of the other thing that was hurting a few minutes ago.

  10. So real dude. It's really easy to hate yourself for getting hurt, but it's not that much more or less likely any time you're out there. You are dedicated to your craft though; this will just make you that much more focused.

    I broke my clavicle into 3 pieces, with 40mm of overlap between the broken parts. If you haven't had the surgery yet, look into Dr Basmania in Seattle (Polyclinic). He pioneered a different kind of surgery that's more of a 'pasta necklace' approach vs. the typical plate. I was riding my bike again in under two weeks. Absolute miracle worker, that guy.

  11. I dont understand how it’s supposed to come back in place with only a sling ? Will you get surgery finaly ? I dont want to sound like a old chap but you are taking a lot of risk everytime with the age your body become less and less resilient that a fact at 42 i can feel it and im not even surfing every week , my body isnt even cicatrizing normaly now i get scar everytime . I wish you a good and fast recovery take care of your body we have only one in life.

  12. I feel for ya brothah…I snapped mine in half years ago mountain biking. The upside is that the bone grows back super strong. My recommendation is to take this time to rest and heal. Everything will reset for Spring of 23'. You got this homie~

  13. I did the same thing bodyboarding on storm surge shore break in Seaside Park. I had to wear a brace for several weeks. It was the second time I broke it (first was karate). The good news I never needed surgery and I've never had an problems with it ever again but you can bet I don't surf shorebreak anymore! Heal up and maybe the time off will do you some good!


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