I rushed 100 development on these OP Islands in CK3

Today, I have teamed up with my good friend OttawaWelshman (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krkjo8dA4Ok&ab_channel=OttawaWelshman) where we both tried to hit 100 development in the Canary Islands as fast as humanly possible. Want to know how many years it took me?? You’ll have to watch to find out 👀

______ 📨 Send me your disastrous save files here 📨 ______
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Follow my Twitter for spicy original CK3 memes: https://twitter.com/ZieleyGames


_____ 🎨 Artwork 🎨 _____
North European Village 04
Artist: Marko Drazic

_____ 🎵 Music Credits 🎵 _____
Morning Mood –
Marche Slave – Tchaikovsky
Blue Danube – Strauss


47 thoughts on “I rushed 100 development on these OP Islands in CK3”

  1. Currently I am doing an Island-only Norse campaign, initially to unlock the King of all the Isles achievement. Got the Kingdom of Man and the Isles first, then set up a built a legalistic religion and faith and set all the kingdom titles created through confederate partition (I think it's like 6 titles or so) to Scandinavian elective so everything will go to my one chosen heir. After the 100 years of piracy of the Kingdom of Mann elevation ended, I picked up Practiced Pirates and also got 4 legacies in the Raiding legacy tree. Then I got Industious and now my goal is to abuse the Industrious mechanic with money made by raiding to boost my isles (mainly Sardinia the money-making isle) towards 100 development and as a neat little bonus go for the "upgrade duchy to the max" achievement while I'm at it. One of my most fun campaigns so far, especially because Scandinavian Elective is basically having the "Designate Heir" mechanic in addition to maximum control of your domain to circumvent partition.

    For my next campaign I thought it would be cool to try and recreate the Celtic Faith and be a Celtic/Gaelic warrior culture mixed with some King Arthur flair and descend from the Scottish highlands to take over Brittania and maybe even march (or rather sail) on to Brittany and France.
    From the top of your hat, do you have any advice on that? I am really unsure what to do about the religion since there is no Celtic faith and the basic "Paganism" is a world-wide placeholder and not really suited for what I plan. And just reforming Insular Christianity to have "Celtic tenets" feels a bit lame to me…

  2. “Good news, my daughter, you are going to be married to the heir of a kingdom! Just a stroke of luck that his last eight brides died the moment they arrived at court. The stairs over there must be extra slippery or something”

  3. Why do you switch from Theocratic? All Lay Clergy affords you is wasting your domain slots on temple holdings which would give you plenty of things anyways (they give 50% gold and 100% levies if your realm priest likes you).
    Isnt it better to just hold a few more counties and fill them with temple holdings? All you need is another temple per county and you have what you had with lay clergy plus another 100% levies.

  4. Something I recently tried was having myself as head of faith, and making sure that only my heir was of that same faith… Having the others of a different faith meant they couldn't inherit stuff, so my succession was always nice and easy. But maybe you didn't have head of faith turned on here?

  5. In all technicality, Madeira isn’t part of the Canary Islands but rather it’s own archipelago thou both of them are part of the larger group of archipelagos called Macaronesia, which in addition includes the Azores and Cape Verde. But that doesn’t change a thing about the fact that i really enjoyed this video

  6. So, how do you get a character up to 20k prestige without cheesing it, to reform your ETHOS? 🙂 Seriously, any ideas it seems insane there is the option to do this but it costs so much.

  7. "Useless uninhabited islands off the coast of Africa"

    Damn man, that's cold.

    It's also incorrect. The Canary Islands were neither useless nor uninhabited. The Spanish used them as a launching off point for further operations in Africa and the Americas, but only after invading them and committing genocide against the native Guanches selling off the men as slaves, taking the women as wives, and so on. They also have the perfect climate for cash crop plantations- you know, the kinds filled with slaves. Today the Gaunche are considered a lost culture, their religion and traditions erased by the Spanish through displacement and murder much like the various peoples of Central America.

  8. Hey Zieley, I've been watching your videos for a while now and im baffaled by how quick your game runs even after you are hundreds of years into it. I am a huge ck3 lover but my laptop surely isn't, my laptop always struggles to run the game quickly.
    I have been thinking about buying a new PC, and I am wondering what the specs are for your PC.
    So if you don't mind me asking, what are the specs of your PC and how expensive was it?

  9. I'm fairly new to this game but unfortunately have it on console.. does anyone know if they will ever bring the court dlc etc out or should I just bite the bullet and get it on my pc? Also my pc is about 6/7 years old but was pretty good at the time.. would it run smoothly? I seem to notice frame drops on people's videos so a bit nervous about my old dated one.. any help welcome! – I know nothing about computers so sorry if my questions is stupid or obvious

  10. Love the goofy meta game of having to conquer your siblings every succession, just imagine what the sibling rivalries are like when they know that they need to do a battle royale when their parents die.

  11. Do you know if you educate your child yourself you can choose what traits he/she got?

    Also, Lesson learned … after winning the war, DO NOT UNPAUSE, I repeat, DO NOT UNPAUSE … revoke title first, unpause later

  12. Honestly i kinda want to see how far u could take this by also making a custom player and giving them a different culture to make a op custom culture early in that indian area


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