I played ALL of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown


Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Ending

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Game: Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Intro song by Hansult â–¼

Outro song by 也也. Yaya ▼

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Gameplay


38 thoughts on “I played ALL of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown”

  1. Sweet something.
    That ending cutscene after the final boss gave me goosebumps. The music and imagery were beautiful and worked in great conjunction with one another.
    I'd put it on a level similar to The Guardian from Darksiders 2 and Astarte from Darksiders genesis in terms of music.
    Normally i'm not the super biggest fan of super fast iaijitsu fuppers like for example Vergil, but… there was something about Vahram that worked for me. The story had enough to it to keep me engaged and interested and the devs seemed to have done their homework on Persian mythology and history to take inspiration from.

    Hope this game gets more known.

  2. Holy Moly! Goosebumps and open mouth, the episode. (and such a long one too, thank you!) That was the most anime non-anime I've ever witnessed. What a joy to watch! Hope you'll do one more episode for side content…or at least to find out what happened to mask lady.
    (also hope I'll read some day "I played all of Inside/Journey")

  3. Not to be the Debbie Downer after such a cool game with such an awesome gameplay, but that ending was rather… weak, to say the least. Prince Ghassan lays down his crown, just leaves and Sargon just denounces the queen with zero proof to back him up after the "kidnapper" Anahita is dealt with and we're suppose to suspend our disbelief enough to accept that poor excuse for "and then they lived happily ever after"? As I said before, the gameplay was awesome and the story was so good until then (the double twist with Vahram was genius), but the end just fell HORRIBLY flat. I've seen fighting game arcade endings that were less lazy.

  4. This game took me 23 hours to complete at 93% on immortal difficulty(hardest). It has the best movement, combat, and bosses of any metroidvania I've ever played. For me, this is definitely better than Hollow Knight.

  5. Breathtaking, Spine chilling and heart pounding till the very last moment. Unisoft truly showed that if they put their mind to it, they can make a beautiful and engaging game. The moment the prince took of his crown he really looked like the Prince of Persia from the video games.


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