I NEARLY DIED and FROZE to DEATH! The EVil truth about ELECTRIC CARS, SNOW, ICE & ARCTIC CONDITIONS! This is a true story of how I got stuck in a Snow Storm in my Porsche Taycan Electric Car. The motor manufacturers and the government do not tell you about the pitfalls and drawbacks of owning an EV in Snow, Ice and Arctic Conditions. I ended up almost out of Electricity and a depleted battery in the middle of a snowstorm in Bakewell with nowhere for miles to charge my car! PLEASE DO NOT BUY AN ELECTRIC CAR! DO NOT BUY AN EV! Here’s what happened to me and it was a nightmare, I was literally in tears.

#evs #electriccar #electricvehicle #car #motor #electricvehicles #electricvehiclesarethefuture #electricvehiclecharging

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  1. Scott Mills, UK radio DJ, got locked inside his electric car for 5 hours, resulting in him missing a flight for his holiday… Imagine the thing catching fire, in that scenario, time is essential, its worrying

  2. I am sick to death, excuse the pun, with people slagging off electric cars, they have their place, I have been driving one for many years, you plan your route and make sure you are charged for the trip you need, freezing to death in a vehicle is easy if you are in a Diesel, petrol or electric car if you cannot heat the vehicle stranded in sub zero temp, sorry mate your charging off a hotel do you not have a room and have to sleep in the car?

  3. Here in the US when we had a cold spell EV car drivers were stuck in hotels everywhere, because not only was the cold snowy weather draining the battery faster, but none of the chargers would work in the severe cold.
    Fossil fuels are natural and are the best see videos by Alex Epstein regarding fossil fuels.

  4. There will never be an EV 4×4 Club in Oz. The cost to install a Grid across Oz would be in the Billions. No one is going to tow a 20,000 Amp battery pack thru bush in Oz, never going to happen.

  5. Not a tree hugger, but driving electric for the past 5 years, mainly because of tax benefits and the amazing residuals, lots of miles never had an issue. You’ve just got to be a little pedantic with planning. This guy is the worst example to make an EV review as he clearly has never had real world experience with public chargers, his main issue is the snow, and he would have the exact same problem with getting stranded in any RWD car 🤦🏼‍♂️

  6. Had my M5 CS for a couple months now and while it's a top end performance spec car alongside previous vehicles I've owned including Brabus and Pors. Petrol still makes the most sense for me.

    More fun, better for the environment and practically meaningless in terms of 'Climate Change' than any EV. Get to filling Ur cars up lads.

  7. Count yourself lucky you didn't actually die. Something which has happened to far too many people when the tank of explosive petrol or diesel powering their vehicle engulfs them in flames. At least they get off more lightly than the children who have to mine cobalt which is used for refining oil.

  8. Electric cars are not for cold climates. They’re just oversized golf carts. I’d never buy one.
    This gentleman got it right by saying they are
    Motor-Trend and Car & Driver magazines say that they are the inEVitable future of the world. Probably because the EVil governments will force us into them eventually by cutting back gasoline production and charging a fortune for it. It’s all liberal BS.

  9. 😂😂😂
    the problem is not EV's in general!!
    The MAIN problm you have, is that you bought a Porsche, believing that they make cars, so can make EV's. – That is a deluded assumption 😮
    THAT, right there, is your problem.
    I recommend, with all the money you obviously have to buy a crap EV, you go out and but the ONLY EV that will work for you – And that will be a Tesla.
    Their charging infra structure just WORKS.
    Their cars have their own navigation to show you the BEST charger to use – and with 99% of them working. Youll have no problems.
    If, for whatever reason you dont want to spend your money on a Tesla. Then, yep, you chould go back to a Petrol car.
    You can the WAIT TEN YEARS, for Porsche to catch up to the stage that Tesla designs are currently at TODAY 😊

  10. The electric vehicle (EV) market is booming, according to the latest vehicle stats. Electric car sales increased by 40% in 2022 and EVs enjoyed another record year with more than one in ten new vehicles being electric. 

    The proportion of electric cars within the wider used car market is only going one way – up. 

    Overall, 1.61 million new cars were registered in 2022 – a figure that's 2.0% down on 2021 due to the impact of the pandemic and the continued global semiconductor chip shortage. 

    Despite this, more battery electric vehicles (BEV) were sold in 2022 than ever with 267,203 registrations (16.6% of all new car sales), while plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) made up 6.3% or 101,414 cars. 

    Electric car sales are now second only to petrol cars in the UK.

    Demand for used electric cars is growing, too. In 2021, annual demand for used EVs hit a new record, increasing by 119.2% with 40,228 second-hand electric cars being sold.

  11. IF I lived, and permanently resided in the southern states, I'd definitely purchase a Tesla, but I live up north and the winters here can be brutal. NO electric cars up north! No way, I'd never spend a penny on an electric car living in the northern US.

  12. If you nearly died, then you wouldn’t have frozen to death. If you froze to death then you wouldn’t have nearly died! So no electric heaters in an electric car then?

  13. I love the way so many posters here are so keen to put money into the pockets of the oil companies and their shareholders.

    In 2022, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, and TotalEnergies made $134 billion in excess profits, predominantly due to the effects of the war in Ukraine. The highest beneficiary, ExxonMobil alone makes up $45 billion of this sum.

    That's our money going to the war profiteering oil industry and making it even richer. Average oil and gas profits over the last 50 years are $1 trillion a year. That's $1.9 million PROFIT every minute of every day for 50 years!

  14. It is really strange that someone who lives on an island like England even needs to have an electric car at all. You have virtually no smog or air pollution? Yet you are told you have a huge carbon footprint?? I don’t think in places like yours these cars need to be required at all?? It makes no sense? Correct me if wrong. When they had a big hurricane in Florida this last year, the electric cars were spontaneously blowing up and starting on fire. Burning down people’s homes. They were told not to park them by structures. They take 2-3 fire trucks full of water to put these fires out. WTH is good about them?

  15. I bet that Snowplow wasn't a sodding EV mi duck ….Get rid of that piece of rammel, and get ya self a proper Porsche 911 Turbo S…Petrols cheaper than Diesel Now lol 😂

  16. When the batteries in my TV remote are running low, I pop them out and rub them in my hands to warm them up. That seems to get them to last a bit longer. Maybe you can try that? Just rub the batteries next time.

  17. When my lease was up on my gas Ford F150, I elected to buy it out with an 84 month plan. Even with that, the monthly payment is $519, but I don't have to buy or lease a new vehicle, electric or gas, which are ridiculously priced. I have no idea what will be happening in seven years, but I am counting on gas still being around because of all the gas vehicles on the road. It could even be cheap because of decreased demand! I never liked the idea of having to charge up while traveling when gas just takes five minutes and it is everywhere.

  18. There seems to be no sense of proportion in solving the climate change problem. Why is it that the little guy in a tiny petrol/diesel vehicle have to carry the climate crisis burden on their shoulder? Cars should have been the last items in the electrification chain. They should have started with the biggest culprits first – electrify ocean liners, supertankers and ships that consume gazillion gallons of fuel. Just because they spew their fumes out of view in the wide open ocean does not mean they don't contribute to pollution. But no, it's the average Joe who has the burden of fixing the planet's woes.

  19. Here in America half the people can't drive on snow and ice and we already have cars that get 50 miles per gallon which is also so don't need a electric cars . Just buy a car that get 50 miles per gallon . save you a ton of money and will use way less gas . Problem solved .and will not have to worry about lithium batteries or plugs or a place to charge it .


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