I have no words. (There's Something About Miriam Ep 4) @Luxeria

There’s Something About Miriam, was a reality TV dating show from 2004 in which the BIG REVEAL was that the title character is …


43 thoughts on “I have no words. (There's Something About Miriam Ep 4) @Luxeria”

  1. I know this may not be the point of the video but I must say you and your BF are so gorg together! 💜 STUNNING woman on the go!
    And I hope your trip back to your hometown brought you to a bit better headspace 😊

  2. I have to just say on the Latino thing. Please you've misinformed and I suggest you look into yourself lux! Maybe the production is being an ass, I wouldn't doubt it! but truly that's not how Spanish would work. Masculine and feminine isn't used the same way it is in English and they can be used interchangeably alot especially slang which Latino and Latina are. Most Spanish speakers (Latin isn't just Spanish speakers) use Latin or Latino as an umbrella term when referring to a group of people or traits of a group of people from South America and the Caribbean basically it's used as a plural to Latin which is extremely common in Spanish. When referring to oneself you would specifically say Latino for men identifying people and Latina for female identifying people. Straight up from family and friends Latin just doesn't sound as good as Latino when rolling off the tongue and that's the crux of slag.

    In addition if anyone wants to really be pc please don't use Latin at all. It's something we're all still adjusting to, but It's a English(American)/Spanish word to separate Spaniards of that time from the people they were conquering. In later years it was taken back as a pride thing but it's coming back around to people realizing "F' that we have an amazing native culture!" So many places are pushing for people to know them as individual countries and by their actual individual tribes in some places rather than "the natives" "the indigenous people" and "Latin" "Latino" as an umbrella for a crazy amount of different people.

  3. It has nothing to do with this show, but now I casually say "a dead body" and "in the bin" on a regular basis. And English is not even my usual language, so I'll just be around the house hearing something random and say "a dead body" for no reason.
    You become the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with, they say, and I spend way to much time on youtube 😂

  4. Just found out you have a boyfriend now, congrats, you both look so good! Also I love your reactions to these problematic early 2000's shows. I loved when you said she was never born a man, and that you called out the using of words like Latino instead of Latina. It's so weird to think that this was only 15-20 years ago, it feels like we have come a long way in a hort time, but with still a long way to go. But at least these producer's would never get away with this on TV anymore. I hope at least.

  5. Honestly this show should have never been made-this is not a safe situation and the men should have been told that she was trans in advance. Also the jokes and the fact that they keep calling her a man below the waist is just awful. It’s absolutely no one’s business what anyone has going on below the belt unless they want to share that with an intimate partner.

  6. Omg how did I not realize you have ADHD, I am so glad to learn that about you. I interrupt alot too. I hate that I do it because of my ADHD too, but I am learning its just part of how my brain works! Now I know why I enjoy your videos so much, I always end up continuing to watch creators with ADHD!!

  7. So, with the Latino/Lantinx blah blah, I've asked MANY people from Latino countries and they think the Latinx is dumb because 1. It doesn't make sense in Spanish and that it's a very English-speaking/USAmerican performative attempt, and Latine would be a more proper gender-neutral term and 2. They really don't care. I've been told it's a dumb thing in their perspective since it's not insulting when they themselves call themselves Latino.
    Now, when you're being specific about people, yes, use Latino for masculine and Latina for feminine.
    What's it called when it's basically the White version of overly-pushy vegans? Whatever that is. "White wokeism" or whatever. "This is how you should behave because MY culture is the right one and I'm pushing my morals onto you."

  8. 24:00 I live the rant sis I simply love it. Shout it out to the world. Had to edit to add that this is the most disturbing episode of the most disturbing show I've watched here so far. I can't even imagine how you as a trans woman are able to put yourself through that.

  9. I really dislike this show, but i keep forgetting how toxic it is because Miriam is so charming. I want her to find a loving and understanding relationship because that's all anyone deserves anyway, but she comes across as so sweet. No matter how hard production try to make her seem nefarious (which she isn't) the true Miriam just seems to shine through.

    It also feels like they keep putting the men into challenges where if they fail they are made to feel less 'manly' or 'masculine'. They are heightening the adrenaline and competitiveness in a way that as we saw in this episode is causing explosive tension between the men. What would happen if Miriam was there when things get violent? How is anyone meant to protect themselves?

    Also who keeps giving them all this alcohol? I doubt these guys are popping to the shops each day to buy more. To put any woman in a situation this dangerous is not just irresponsible, it's callous and cruel too.

    I worry not just for Miriam during the 'reveal' (hate using that word but can't think of anything better) but all of them when they return home from this little bubble to find potentially millions of people have heard their long held secrets which have been exploited for ratings. The world is full of vicious, narrow minded ignorant people who will attack first before questioning their views of the world or their own ignorance and prejudice. There is barely (if any) security in this house, out in the real world there will be even less. I don't think for one second that anyone in production cared enough to think about the safety of those involved in this show during filming or after.

    By this point if the final 'challenge' was wrestling a bear, I don't think I'd be surprised. (Sorry if this has already been said, I was just on one today 🙂 )

  10. I don't know why I'm surprised but the kneeboarding challenge *shocked* me! That's not at all how that kneeboard is supposed to be used and the driver was so clearly trying to throw them off… that's not how you should ever pull someone who doesn't know what they're doing behind a boat!!!

  11. Just so you know, Tara Mooknee covered thus show so she had it, maybe she has tips on where to find a better version that what you have? (without minutes taken out and random pixellisation, I mean)

  12. Babe you should definitely try a massage!! My mom was like you and absolutely hated anyone touching her but after she finally tried, she takes a massage in every single hotel and beach we go to 😂😂😂

  13. Jet skiing is 100% a date. I’ve never done it on a date, but I think the best dates are activities based. Exactly what Lux said, you can talk about it before and after. You don’t remember people by what they say but how they make you feel.

  14. As a cis woman I appreciate how fucking strong trans men and woman are. I love learning about how to best support my friends and what language is appropriate. Never be afraid to be mad at transphobia.

  15. Um, how are they at the beginning of the episode saying Dom is smitten and has no idea, when they show flashbacks of somebody else bringing up questions to him and then Dom goes writes a horrible song about it?!? And then production doesn’t let us hear what all the other men say in response to his song, I’m not convinced there wasn’t a discussion that included talk of staying for the money either way. These men belong in the bin with their empty bottles.

    Terrible segue to- You and your boyfriend are lovely! Stunning parasailers in the air! Hope your headspace feels better to you soon.

  16. When it got to the guess the secret part it fit into what I have learned from dating cishet men: they don't really like women, they just enjoy fucking us. they secretly like men. Lol

  17. I think if they made this show about Miriam looking for love as an openly trans woman (aka the guys know) and how she navigates through dating as a trans woman instead of this big secret, I think it would be amazing! Like the bachelorette meets love island or something


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