I Hated this Champion, but I gave him a second chance (Who is it?!)

I Hated this Champion, but I gave him a second chance (Who is it?!)
League of Legends season 12 Aphelios Gameplay!
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49 thoughts on “I Hated this Champion, but I gave him a second chance (Who is it?!)”

  1. Hello Zwag nice video, I really like your videos.
    Day 39 of asking to go Olaf Mid.

    Please try Olaf Mid (as i name it the new meta because I destroy every Yasuo, Yone, Zed or some other champions, i discovered some mages like Akali aren't a good match up)
    With this build i don't leave the lane for like 8 minutes and I can kill them everytime with zero items just a Dorans Shield and I think Olaf hase some Life Steal too.

    Take Ignite with Flash or Ghost, the Ignite is a must in the early fight.
    You begin with Q than W than E and you max Q first than W.

    At first you go:
    Dorans sheild with a potion
    Armor boots
    Divine Sunderer
    Deaths Dance
    The last 2 items are your choice, you could go something else depends on the match ups idk.

    And for the runes you go:
    Lethal Tempo
    With Triumph
    With Legend Alacrity
    With Last Stand
    And for the secondary you go:
    Bone Plating
    With Overgrowth

  2. You have to Q with the red gun then auto with the white gun. When you have the white gun your main goal is to get as many shurikens orbiting you as you can then start autoing and kiting them out. That is when aphelios truly shines 🙂

  3. Another really good combo is blue gun Q on as many minions and enemy champs as you can hit, and then white gun auto attack on repeat. For each enemy you hit you get a shuriken and you end up completely shredding everyone.

  4. Of the few time I played Aphelios, I like it quite a lot. I think it's a champion about resource management, you save the guns you like as 2nd, bring it out when you confront a champion or a situation you plan for while you go thru other guns as fast as you can. I almost exclusively ult with the 5th, it's like a directed sivir W + samira ult combo if I recall correctly. All the guns, especially 2nd and 4th works very well with Ruinaan. 4th auto with Ruinaan works almost like an mf ult with a crowd.

  5. Aphelios is one of the champions that scale extremely well with experience.

    And not in-game experience, so if Zwag decides to pick him up he'll have the permanent buff of knowing how to play a champion almost no one understands how.

  6. I’d love to see you play aphelios again when you’ve gotten a grasp of his optimal rotation and gun combos, Zwag being zwag + A good grasp on aphelios would create a beast

    Most aphelios mains here knows this most likely but here are some Good early/laning phase combos

    Red Green Purple for a quick root, damage, and gank set up
    Q with Red gun with <10 ammo allowing you to mark the enemies discarding red while maintaining the mark allowing you to AA them with a Purple enhanced auto into purple q (you can root while the projectile’s travelling) allowing you to easily land a Green Q skillshot for another enhanced AA

    Another one is Blue Red White
    You’ll have Blue White as your gun combo starter
    Blue Q with <10 ammo on a wave to get chakram stacks discarding blue replacing it with red followed immediately by Red Q gaining more chakram stacks, bonus is when you have your ult ready for a White Ult giving you more chakrams allowing you to shred your enemies 100-0 early on

  7. Bruh I just tried this first time in my ranked game and… I popped the fuck off 10/1 ended game in 18 mins, this shit is broken, I have no idea what the champ does either

  8. This entire game I had no fucking clue what was going on. Would appreciate a little rundown of how this champion actually works cos it's so different from any other champion in this game.

  9. Zwag sounds so grumpy in this one lol
    I've actually never seen Zwag so confused by a champ. I wanna see him try again after reading abilities and learning a few combos for sure

  10. Zwag: I hate this champ who is it?
    Me:*waiting for youtube to automatically start the video so I don't have to click on it to find out.
    Also me:*still clicks on the video bc I have nothing more meaningful to do.

  11. He has no problems with piercing. It is very interesting to see what he can do as a mage with the construction of varus samples.
    That's why he actually has magical damage. But I have never seen a video with experiments in this field.


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