I Had To Surrender To The Americans

I Had To Surrender To The Americans
Part 12
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyuEmb1VavZCHWvJ1AQ3eNS7t-kMBZ1jR


47 thoughts on “I Had To Surrender To The Americans”

  1. He says he fought at Kurst, but it's skipped in this narrative its impossible to tell if some of the Eastern front winter narratives are a confirmation if the Stalingrad retreat he related earlier or in 44-45 in the wake of the Soviet destruction of at m y group center.

  2. Panzer II – fuel capacity – 170 L / 45 US gal. _ Cross country 126km / 78 mi _ Max speed 39.5 km-h / 24.5 mph
    A I could now include the supply trucks, next script.

    There was no Poland – From East – Reich Generalgouvernement, to West – GroBdeutschland.

  3. Interesting and informative. Interesting drawing enabling viewers to better understand what the orator was describing. Special thanks to veteran soldiers/civilians sharing personal information /combat experiences. Thru diaries/memoirs enabling historians to replicate those stories. For viewers to better appreciate the hard ships/debilitating conditions of the retreating predicaments. A simple telegram sent to London surrendering. Would have prevented increased casualties & destruction. The end of their odyssey leads them into American captivity. Very fortunate for them!!!

  4. The incident of the murder of the Wirtschaftsgruppe major sounds about as likely as the tale my grandfather used to tell about how when he was an infantryman in France in 1944, he lectured General Eisenhower himself on the crappiness of the infantryman's life. Yeah, suuuuure, Grampa Calvin.

  5. Technocratic totalitarianism globalist cult.
    These psychopaths will stop at nothing to psychologically program the populace into stupor and eventually death. Pre meditated population reduction without discrimination.
    Normalisation of modern global eugenics.

    From homeland security to biosecurity. Controlled demolition, false flags to manipulated eugenics.

  6. This guy was a terrible soldier. He gets his whole unit killed by half-assing his guard duty, & during the attack he does nothing. Then the civilians took his weapon and he just does nothing again?! I understand he's feeling very defeated and everything seems futile but any soldier would be flipping houses over looking for that weapon.

  7. For those of you questioning if this story is true or not, it was written by Henry Metlemann.


    It’s a memoir, so it is written from memory and from diary entries. Therefore some of the information is miss remembered. He was in an incredibly stressful situation so his brain would not have been 100%. He would have also been suffering from PTSD when he wrote the book.

    Personally, I think it’s an ‘honest’ account. Takes a lot of guts to say ‘I survived by luck and cowardice’

  8. I've seen some comments saying this is all AI generated fiction, using real places and a few battles to fill weave everything together. Can the creator respond or do any of you brothers know? I thank you in advance. If it is all AI indeed, it's good but I may look elsewhere for authentic German memoirs.

  9. This was especially entertaining, from the food depot in the snowy wasteland in the East, to the eventual comical defense and surrender of the tiny village on Western front… This one would make a great movie.

  10. “We set out full of hope to conquer the USSR.” Well, there’s your first mistake…if no one attacked you first and you have to “conquer” another country, then you are basically killing a bunch of everyday, non-politician people to steal their land for your government, and shouldn’t be doing that.

  11. I like the blank honesty of that diary. The ending is…comical: these two soldiers having a walk hands on pocket without their weapon in a freshly taken town which has not been cleared yet… even if Goebbles already spoke about his "werewolves" in his propaganda…if I was their sarg, they would probably have slept the night after naked outside…


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