I FORGOT HOW GOOD THIS WAS!! Reacting to "Overanalyzing Avatar Bato of The Water Tribe"

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqH-n_7nIIM

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Outro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP4mfHcJJow


14 thoughts on “I FORGOT HOW GOOD THIS WAS!! Reacting to "Overanalyzing Avatar Bato of The Water Tribe"”

  1. Chekhov's gun is a narrative tool, coined by Anton Chekhov, that states how any detail one places in there story must serve some sort of narrative payoff, and any detail that's irrelevant is better left out.

    For why it's call Chekhov's gun, because in order to explain the concept Chekhov wrote, "If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off."

  2. 5:32 CAT

    9:09 Chekhov's Gun is if an author introduces something in the first act of a story, it must be required by the end. If it isn’t relevant to the plot or character development, then it should be taken out. Treating a gun as if it were a character in your story can increase the effectiveness of this technique.

    11:28 That's easy for you non-social anxiety disorder people but what about us who have brains that literally stop us from speaking in front of other people

  3. 01:56 Looks like someone is learning~
    02:06 And those type of women don't like to be tied down so it kinda sucks for you.
    03:48 Do you remember what Ryu from Street fighter looks like?
    04:28 Dammit, if only they knew…
    08:08 Welcome to Shipping terms. Take the first half (or close to half) of the name of a character, mix it with the second half (or close to half) of the name of the other, and mash it together in a way that sounds appealing. Then you get a shipping name. Alternatively people come up with thematic names that represent both characters, and then add "shipping" at the end of it. That's another way to do it. Like how Littlekuriboh references PrideShipping by name occasionally (or maybe just once? I don't remember). Which involves Yami and Kaiba.
    09:13 Other people explain Chekhov's gun in the comments so Imma skip this one.
    10:2710:31 Yeah that sounds like you. I wish I had enough content to make a patreon of off. But due to life being the way it is, my other channel's uploads are pretty inconsistent and even then, Youtube has ruined it in terms of showing up in the algorithms. As evidenced by some of my Sonic Frontiers parts being in single digits…*sigh*…

  4. For the random arrows and stuff, that dude she was arm wrestling is a clear rip-off/homage of Ryu from street fighter. A video game franchise that became super popular and has the longest, if not the only running gag on hmhow many times we can redo a video game and still put the number 2 in it.

  5. Chekhov's Gun:
    *In a story*
    If you enter a bar, and there's a gun on the wall, by the end of that story that gun needs to have gone off, or else it is useless and should be removed from the story

  6. I had a fun Thanksgiving Dinner. In case you didn't remember I went to my Mom's friend's house for it and then soon after I had Dessert, I just went Home and did my usual stuff.

  7. Normally when I analyze, I focus hard on the good, but don’t let any one moment make or break an experience. This episode is the KING of those that do not follow that rule. (Basically people that get caught by the single moment are those that complain the LOUDEST of this episode.) While it’s true I can’t exactly go MORE in depth this episode than Overanalyzing did, (he and I pretty much are in agreement this episode.) and 1am isn’t exactly the time for me to go searching for every fact I can find, I’ll relieve the episode of its burden and say I definitely enjoy this episode.

    Misunderstandings are cliched and painful, but they need to be there. They happen SO often. Yes it could’ve been handled better, but it really was inevitable for children traveling together. Your friendships are never more vulnerable in childhood than they are at any other point in your life. Children demand the immediate trust. Adults can be much more cautious which means friendships take longer to build. But by the same token if you hit a nerve, that nerve STAYS hit for kids. But doesn’t always for adults. And Sokka wavers on those lines all episode. Aang wasn’t just preventing Sokka and Katara from leaving, he was keeping Bato away inadvertently. And the tribe is NOT a large one. So every man counts. It could directly hurt the whole tribe if he’s not with them. And for them to WANT a rendezvous even with his CLEAR injuries of a burned arm, he’s pretty vital to the tribe. So this is why I’m not surprised by how they respond. But emotionally it DEFINITELY needed more weight.

    I have nothing to say on the action. Outside the Siege of the North, it’s the best action for me in book 1. (Which was also said by OA)

    Weak? Yes. Bad? Not at all. 7/10.


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