I Forced People to pay TAXES In Starsector

Today I decided to play as the Ironshell and force people to pay taxes in Starsector.

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Arsenal Expansion
Better Colonies
Combat Alarm Sounds
Combat Chatter
DIY Planets
Fluff Ship Pack
Deluxe Player Flags
Grand Colonies
Hazard Mining Incorporated
Hegemony Expeditionary Auxiliary
High Tech Expansion
Industrial Evolution
Iron Shell
LowTech Armada
Luddic Enhancement
Stop Gap Measures
Super Weapons Arsenal
Tahlan Shipworks
Unknown Skies
Vayra’s Shippack
The Star Federation


41 thoughts on “I Forced People to pay TAXES In Starsector”

  1. By the way, salvage efficiency does not affect the drop rate of rare items (blueprints, AI cores, nanoforges and other colony items) so it's safe to salvage them early game… as long as you have the cargo to carry the rare items of course.

  2. Hey rarr its me again glad to see you are streaming some of that sweet sweet space colony sci-fi games… Speaking of that reminds me of RimWorld and how much fun a Cassandra Classic Experience Video would be to record and let us watch… Nonetheless love the content and have a good one.

  3. this game is worth it got it for free all cause i watched ssethtzeentach video review of starsector where he literally put his game CD key for everyone to share
    i tried it and taught no way or its already gone and it actually worked
    300 hours later best spiritual successor to space rangers i ever played
    and then i learned the magic of mods and i fell into the void again

  4. Hey I downloaded most of your mod pack, I've been having alot of fun getting back into it – so thanks for the inspiration. But check this out…


    If you use Augmented drive fields on this bad boy, you become almost invincible. Nothing that can actually break your shield is fast enough to catch you. So just sell all your other ships, maybe buy another Aphelion (or two) and you can just freely stroll about the galaxy exploring things. If you sign on with a faction they will pay you. So just explore explore explore and before you know it you'll be sitting on a million credits with a cargo full of ai cores and nanoforges. THEN ditch your faction and settle a planet. Go direct into heavy industry and start printing a fleet.

    This ship is really perfect as long as you juice it up a bit… just don't use safety override 🙂 I put heavy blasters on it and was able to tear apart remnants with it, even the big ones.

  5. In one playthrough I was playing the Machina Void Shipyards faction from the mod of the same name, and the Hegemony and Iron Shell declared war on us for some reason. (Yes, attack the people who's sole mission is to eradicate piracy. Thank you greater hegemony, very cool) Anyway, I slipped into their sector, preparing for an invasion. We'd conquered most of the Iron Shell worlds, and all of the Hegemony ones. Still, I decided to talk to the leader and say I wanted to pay my taxes, and I got a fucking tax refund of over 200,000 credits. This was like, riiiight after destroying a really powerful base fortress of theirs and with my marines already deployed. Fucking love this mod, 10/10, will be my next playthrough, long live the MVS though.

    Also get the arma armatura extension mods for the MVS and vanilla ships, very fun to pilot a fighter

  6. Btw, you don't need to crew or supplies to salvage a ship. Simply mothball it and the only thing it will use up is fuel during hyperspace travel. It will only use supplies and crew if you decide to fix it up locally.

  7. I'm still terrible at this game as due to both laziness and inability to fight i constantly try to make a carrier group involving Wanzers so they can die for me. Now what is hilarious is that at one point because i was tired of getting no support from the Diable Shipyards i made my fleet (with what little cash i had….im still terrible) i made every ship in my whopping 4 ship fleet all have improved efficiency modules and a converted fighter bay for my combat fueler. This had made me surprisingly great at supporting larger fleets at great distances with much juicy salvage to speak and even though my Wanzers weren't exactly enough at least i didnt have to pay for more crew as i had an excess at this point. Of course like all my other playthroughs i would die broke and broken in a hostile galaxy. Good times.


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