I Died And Was Tormented By Demons In Hell | Near Death Experience | NDE

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

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For more NDE narrations, please see below.

I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE


40 thoughts on “I Died And Was Tormented By Demons In Hell | Near Death Experience | NDE”

  1. The second story about his hellish experience is sad since he still continues to be attacked by demons. What is interesting about this hell experiences is there is no need for the “sinner’s prayer”, baptism, giving and attending church. It seems that if they call out to the Lord to rescue them, he always does.

  2. The first story the lady was still very much thinking like we do on Earth. I've heard of there being feasts in heaven. But again it's all what's our hearts desire. After all he's God! Second one God tells us that we have power over evil.
    I hope this man doesn't still let evil control him.
    The Bible encourages Christians to “fight against the devil’s evil tricks.” (Ephesians 6:​11, NCV ) One of his tricks is to deceive people into believing that his agents are actually servants of God.​—2 Corinthians 11:13-​15.

  3. This channel has literally changed my life and has helped me build my connection with God. I always rejected organized religion because of their intolerance, instinctively I always felt they were wrong. The experiences your sources have completely align with what I feel instinctively but have not yet experienced. Day by day it inspires me to be a better man and a better father. Love and best wishes to you and all of your listeners.

  4. Some I've heard before tell that 'if' a person 'ends up in some Hades'.. it was by their own choice.. because they perhaps did not believe them worthy.. Glad this person learned their lesson and won't make the same mistake twice.

  5. Yes there is a hell, I've heard many different stories of people going to hell. They're all different just like the experience when we leave this world going through the tunnel and self reviews. It is a frightening experience and if you get to come back that's a miracle all by itself. I have heard people say that they were experiencing hell and the demons were awful. They cried out to Jesus and Jesus saved them from of hell and they then did believe once more and the Lord our decisions in mortality is going to determine our place we will be. The Lord said he was going to prepare a place or mansion whichever word you want to use for each of us and we get to choose that place now in mortality. There's much more. Just because someone does not get to visit with the Lord or heavenly spirits it will be a life adjustment experience.

  6. Some NDEs are so short and sadly at times make very little sense. It is what it is. 🤷 Finally…I have watched all of your videos and I feel how much I have changed over the past month! I get baptized tomorrow and look forward to my life of peace and Jesus guiding me through this world. Bless you Lee (Heaven awaits).

  7. This was a good one Lee. One which many have questions and concerns about. I thought the first one was very real. I've heard that before about people in a coma leaving their body and having an NDE.
    I believe the second one too. It just seems like a book bumper to me. He shouldn't still be attacked though. So there is something with his belief system or tradition that invites demons. He's got to stand up to them and put a stop to it. Very scary. They need our 🙏🏻

  8. I wonder why they keep coming for him? In my experience they always leave if I just stay in a constant conversation with Jesus. I have had them mess with me before I met Jesus so I didn't call on Him, but now I know I can. They still mess with me but I Just say His name and instantly they leave and He comes close. So I wonder if this guy doesn't know he can call on Jesus.

  9. I also exprienced Nde when i was still a kid but its a different story honestly i dont met Jesus there but i met many light beings like Angels many of them are my group many are from another group just hovering and ganging together like they are conversing telephatically but they are all lights in an endless horizon of many layers of clouds but different kind of clouds and space its another dimension and it feels good calmer and very light there you cant put it in words it feels more better the ist time and 2nd time you take cocaine hard to explain and its the norms there it is very densed here in physical 3D i always felt im low of oxygen here.
    I had amnesia with all the memories but i remember some few glimpses my group soul talking to me telephatically like they are saying we'v been looking all over for you i think i said i think i got lost and they said come with us we will look for the others then we hover from that vastness and we passed by many light beings minding their own they are also in a group but some light beings travelling and hovering like they too got lost from the vastness and they are looking also for their soul groups. Im not sure if they are normal souls or evolve souls or angelic souls i dont know the difference when you are there but the place looks like you are in heaven or higher realms but honestly on that glimps of memory i dont see Jesus or recognize him there because they are many of them also honestly i dont meet God source energy the bigger light beings i dont see him there maybe he is in another more purest realms and we are not alowed to interact with him on a daily basis just when needed but i know deep inside we are on the inner circle of that place. The story and visual if you dont experienced Nde you will think that its unbelievable or people are just making up stories but its really real. But with memories and the thought of that you will see the world very differently not that you will not make mistakes and learn from it its just that you know all of this are temporary all are just experienced both good and bad for our soul exprienced. Some come here to evolve more some come here just for the experienced some come here for the lessons some come here for a purpose or mission and many are not so evolve souls who are just here to fill things up and later on eventually their soul will evolve too through more reincernations. I believe all souls are also promoted depends on the performance of the exprienced and some evolve souls who are continuesly promoted through many reincernations became angelic souls and that level you will be given a mission whether small role that will have big impact or big roles that will be a good help for a certain planet.
    It really depends for sure that realms is more wiser than this physical world. On the contrast i dont know if demonic tormented souls are also just souls who had been put to that state of soul being maye bacause the performance of the soul in each lifetime are evil and demonic and they cant mixed them with other neutral souls or evolve souls and God dont acept their soul anymore so they become demonic and maybe who knows they rebel so they just roam around and find victims so they can destroy Gods creations.
    And us humans are one of them.

    Peace Love and Light🙏🌌

  10. Yes I believe the woman in the first story very much so, I believe in the second story and that was true I have many reasons for what I say but not enough room to write it all God bless all of you.

  11. Hey Lee, I think you should've changed your introduction for this video. Hahah how is informing us about demons in hell that will torture us for eternity giving hope to a hopeless world?? Hahahaaa we're screwed! xD Oh god… smh thank you for sharing 🙂

  12. Luckily I have never experienced demons. I believe there is bad and good, Light and dark but you cannot have one without the other. I think we all have to experiences both sides. Just my opinion,. Thank You Love the channel Much Love.🙂❤

  13. I was invited to speak as guest pastor today at a church and the Pastor gave me the permission to speak about NDE and it was well received. In summary this what I said "Based of the evidence I have examined in my study off the after Life. Love is the most significant virtue that man can strive towards."

  14. Doesn't it say that the dead in Christ will first be resurrected and then the living in Christ will be caught up in the air with Jesus in his 2nd return? How could this person experience hell then?

  15. Hell just doesn’t make sense. So we risk being sent to hell for eternity while we have this totally unfair human experience here on earth? What if someone was abused as a child and developed an addiction that lead to a “sinful” life. I guess there’s not question about it, they’re going to hell? Earth is cold, nasty, lonely and can break you on all levels, including spiritually. There can be no reminders of God or Jesus here on this plane. Just take a look in our cities, all the broken people that live in the streets. I reject the concept of hell for living a life full of spiritual amnesia and soul crushing obstacles on all levels. It’s simply unfair to be sent to hell and I don’t think a just God would allow this to happen.

  16. Yes she was given 2nd chance & communicated with Jesus. Yes unfortunately the man probably is being tormented by demons still. He hasn't sought out deliverance from their torment. He should seek deliverance, it's available.

  17. THE MILLION-DOLLAR QUESTION: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart, and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine. This means that God can legally dismiss their case: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift. Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you

  18. Thankyou Lee, May God Jesus Christ bless you for what your doing for The Kingdom of God, Heaven and hell are real places, we live forever when we have faith and repent unto God Jesus Christ, God said if you believe in Him you will never die, in Heaven there is love and Peace and that is Jesus the Bright Light Amen

  19. I find the second story very distressing. Being visited by demons is a horrible thing! Does he know why they visit him? Did he do terrible things in his life? He can search for positive things in life. Church, prayer, walking near the sea, animals and plants. It gives mental and fysical rest. Maybe it helps? Also talking to a psychologist or a psychiattist. He can give medication. It also helps me to overcome anxiety attacks. I no longer have them. It gives me so much mental rest


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