I Challenged 2 RANDOM People to a Golf Match for MONEY – 2v1 Scramble

In this exciting golf match, watch as GabbyGolfGirl takes on 2 RANDOM players in a scramble format for $50 a hole! With both teams vying for victory, tensions are high as they battle it out on the greens.
Throughout the match, GabbyGolfGirl shows off her impressive golf skills and strategic thinking, using every shot to her advantage. But her opponents are no slouches either, as they make their fair share of impressive shots and put up a tough fight.
As the match unfolds, viewers will be on the edge of their seats, wondering who will come out on top. With the gorgeous greens and scenic views of the course as a backdrop, this is a golf match you won’t want to miss!
So grab your golf clubs and get ready to tee off with GabbyGolfGirl and her challengers in this epic match play showdown. Who will emerge victorious? Watch and find out! Crazy ending!



28 thoughts on “I Challenged 2 RANDOM People to a Golf Match for MONEY – 2v1 Scramble”

  1. haha this was awesome! those guys were great sports. having to all of a sudden to play on camera in a match AND not be awkward i would literally self destruct haha. great idea for vids gabby, nobody's out there challenging us average joes! and paying us!

  2. What a shot at the end! Gabby, your competitiveness is awesome, your smile and attitude are so cool and your thoughtfulness and helping others is beyond compare. I enjoyed your tip out of the bunker and will use it to practice my own bunker shots. I wish you all the best with your channel and hope you get twenty thousand subs soon.

  3. lmao definition of kill em with kindness.

    Gabby before a hard shot: "no pressure" "this is a risky shot"

    But then, gives a bunker lesson after. πŸ˜‚

    Tough to get mad playing against someone like that.


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