I am GLAD and SAD My Elden Ring Video Tricked So Many People…

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33 thoughts on “I am GLAD and SAD My Elden Ring Video Tricked So Many People…”

  1. Bro, you need to sleep more. Is really important to be healthy.

    Your stream use to be more chill and focus. Now it looks like you take 2 monster energy drink before every stream 🤣

    (Talking seriously, sleep is really important for a long and healthy life bro)

  2. Some people are just too stupid to understand anyways so might as well be yourself. If they misunderstand you, that's their problem. You make great content, continue with whatever titles you feel is suitable for the video.

  3. Don't change the title ..it's not a 97 it's a strong 85 at best ..I'm playing the game and iv yet to see what's so amazing it's your typical souls game. Same mechanics..graphically it's not impressive..gameplay is good/solid not earth shattering.

  4. Many people like me still thinking 97 for an almost broken game and with a frame drop to make worst the gameplay of Elden ring meanwhile HFW solid 60 the best looking game today still 88 maybe just me but Fair or professional journalism I doubt about it.

  5. I don't understand how people mistook what you said. I was watching the stream and understood what you were saying. Horizon is a great game but because you were a developer you've seen that formula before. Doesnt mean it sucks just that through your eyes you've seen this before. You like elden ring a little more despite some of its shortcomings. Not much to misunderstand.

  6. The thing that’s interesting about this is that Jaffe deducts points for games with good graphics, no matter well thought out the gameplay loop is, no matter how fluid and intuitive 99% of the combat mechanics are and gives extra points to games with less sophisticated graphics and clunky gameplay as long as some kernel of a new gameplay is in there which makes sense somebody operating with black and white thinking.

    Anyway, How someone would think Jaffe somehow magically transformed into a high end graphics lover makes no sense.

    Jaffe just stated the obvious, which was that Games Media rewards some games for great graphics that most people enjoy playing and then flips around and does the opposite with no consistency or even well informed/educated thoughts on Game Design or poorly informed thoughts that people just won’t express publicly for a variety of reasons. There’s no public facing language about reviewer bias and I can say for certain that the IGN reviewer is very Souls biased and very “Well configured” to play and probably prefer Souls like games.

    One question with Jaffe that I already know the answer to is whether now that he’s been “Better Configured” to play Souls does he go back and play Kaena and have a better experience, no, because back to the first point…He knocks games with good graphics.

    Overall, BIAS is the problem with huge platforms that are supposed to assist consumers in making purchasing decisions. When these large platforms push individuals publicly report a very subjective and personal opinion as an objective analysis it’s grossly irresponsible and contributes to the industry not being taken seriously.

    It already happens now, but expect more newcomers to look at the IGN review score, get the game not being “Well Configured” to play Souls games and proclaim “This game is TERRIBLE! IGN sucks!” Then because IGN set this trend of pushing writers or wannabe writers without a lot of analytical chops to float subjective “reviews” out every other outlet does it and now no reviews can be trusted.

    You have your contingent of people people that just listen to to the people they like (still not 100%) but then you have most people that after a couple of bad reviews and a couple of hundred bucks just disengage from gaming for longer and longer periods of time until they completely abandon gaming all together.

    Averaged general scores, averaged in-genre scores, and reviewer personal scores would make all the difference in the world rather than having gamers hunt around for podcasts grade out various individuals that rate games on those podcasts to try to determine which reviewers seem to align with their taste etc. just to know whether to trust the review and all that’s BULLSHIT.

    Trials will go a long way if there are enough and it’s what I was asking for with demos rather than free games.

    Even after trials you still need good objective reviews because developers game test and SOME will use the Q/A testing timetable to put off the more cheating aspects of the games until after the determined trial cut off.

    I used to LOVE the Fight Night Champions demo and played it constantly for a yea before I bought the game. Got to the final boss and put in roughly 4 hours a day for two days on that cheating ass boss until I put the game down and all I could do was laugh 😂 .

    My brother-in-law spent the better part of a week, on vacation, 4 hours a day on that one boss and finally beat that cheating bastard.

    I actually regretted buying the game because my experience with the DEMO was SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE GAME and that was EA’s fault. A good objective game review that focused on the ramp-up of unfairness to inform people so that they knew ahead of time that there were severe “balance issues” in late gameplay. I honestly believe that’s what killed that franchise more than anything else.

  7. I know Jaffe loves the game due to the effusive praise he's showered on bloodborne and demons souls, which is what makes his views even more valuable, cause he's a big fan of the game and can see the gaps.
    I left a comment calling his views on HFW moronic but that was more for laughs, at the end of the day if you get over the trigger you'll see meaning what the Jaff says (not always though 🙃

  8. PC performance is terrible. Constant stutters and loading issues. Elden ring PC metacritic is at 95. That is ridiculous. Steam reviews are currently 29% negative. The PC version should be an 85 on metacritic max

  9. In all seriousness I'm more peeved by the same Main Menu, Loading and HUD style.
    I mean don't fix what isn't broken, but it doesn't have to be the same as it was in Souls games.

    Now, enemies suddenly becoming invisible, yeah, that's a problem.

  10. Agree with Jaffe on the fact that people will read a headline or comment, interpret it in the worst way possible in their heads, and go ballistic. This kneejerk reaction to things, even twisting the most unoffensive things into a completely different message needs to stop.

  11. Game of all time? hell no not for me. HL2, Bioshock 1, RE4 all these broke the mold and innovated so you could say Dark Souls 1 will never be topped it was fully interconnected with huge shortcuts and not fast travel. Thats an experience you'll never get again.

  12. Haha, didn't watch your other video Dave. But this one made me smile. Thanks for fucking with us viewers and sharing your life experiences. I like your content, doesn't matter if I agree with you or not. Love Dave, don't change your ways.

  13. Jaffe, in your own words, please don't give a f*ck about those who disagree with your opinion. It is your opinion, if people think you are hating on Elden Ring cause you don't think it is a 97, they can go F themselves. I saw nothing wrong with you disagreeing with the score. I think people could be trying to kick you when you are down after the question you ask on tweeter that had everyone hating on you. They might be waiting for anything you say to dislike you. So don't pay no mind.

  14. I definitely just saw the title and commented without watching. I thought it was another Metroid Dread video and I didn’t want to hate watch TBH. I like a lot of your content. You seem like a really cool guy and we would probably get along but we have pretty different tastes when it comes to games and we both have strong opinions.

  15. You Know Exactly Why Elden Ring Looks Like This Jaffee its Because of the Crossgen Bullshit And Lazyness of The Developers Always Same Animations And Sound We Always Talk About the Graphiks But where are the Fucking Details in a 2022 Game when i Hit an Opponent with an Sword or Axe I wanna See Them Cuts ,Limb Dismembermant ,We Gamers Have To Demand More

  16. Come on now Jaffe, you are not going to change your style. Cause you want people to watch your vids. Now you have people watching your first vid and then people watch your reaction vid to the outcry. It’s a double whammy for you. To me it’s fine, you are now a YouTuber and many do this, but don’t try and make it seem that you are not.


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