Husband wife Relationship | How to deal with miser husband | Akhter Abbas Videos | Urdu / Hindi

The narrator has been married for 12 years to the cheapest man in the world. He constantly complains, makes fun of, criticizes and harasses them over any money they spend on anything. He controls all of the money, so the narrator has opened another checking account to put extra money in. He gives the narrator $20 per week for lunch, but he complains about how much they spend and wants them to never buy name brands. The speaker is in an abusive relationship with their husband, who is financially and verbally abusive.

The speaker believes that marriage should be an equal partnership where each spouse has a say and views on every aspect of the relationship. The speaker believes that their husband’s beliefs about money put money ahead of them and their daughter, which is not desirable. The speaker believes that the situation is firmly entrenched in their husband’s belief system, which has lots of emotion attached to it.
Your Queries:
How do I deal with a heartless husband?
How do I deal with a thankless husband?
How do I deal with a cheap husband?
How do I stay happy with an ignorant husband?
Mr. Akther Abbas is a Pakistan’s top trainer, author, writer, life coach and a consular. He is called a RELATIONSHIP GURU as because he makes person’s relationship strong and save their broken relationship and also makes new relationships. He gives his services socially. He is a humble and kind person and always thankful to the GOD.
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