Hunting Warthogs In Africa – Animals Of Opportunity

Join us on another hunting adventure as we hunt and track warthogs in the Norther Cape in South Africa. What an amazing place to hunt and stay – Book your hunt here –

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47 thoughts on “Hunting Warthogs In Africa – Animals Of Opportunity”

  1. Nice vid…. we usually get our vlakvarke with shotguns and slugs…. we mainly wing shoot and the birds are out morning and evening, and the pigs around mid day.

  2. In Texas we hunt them from helicopters with select fire ARS, absolutely fun!
    …. But I’d so love to go to SA! Looks amazing. But My Flemish doesn’t seem to help with Afrikaans ….

  3. I did not know that the SA landscape could be so beautiful. And yes, here in Texas, feral hog (which is what we call them) are a scourge. No weapons limit, no bag limit. The public property I hunt only stops for a month in spring to take pressure off the land in advance of eastern spring turkey season (shot gun only.)

  4. With all the technology today and especially with the use of say DJI drones, having a drone flying 30m in height, this would help those hunters on the ground and especially with the unfortunate shot of the back portion of the warthog, the person operating the drone would have been able to quickly follow the animal so the hunters on the ground could move at a faster speed to put down the animal much faster than they did having to try and track a blood trail. I am not having a so called armchair whinge from someone’s basement. Just posting hopefully a better system for you guys to possibly consider, I understand the possible noise distraction of the drone but if the drones at a certain height and is able to easily relay incoming targets or to following of a possible injured animal. Thank you for what you’re doing and thank you for not just deleting this unfortunate shot and situation, I’m sure there will be hundreds of other hunters who’d learn from that incident
    Cheers men 👍🏼😎

  5. Went on a hunt earlier this month for a few animals warthog included and a similar thing happened. Had to go look for it in the tall grass. When I thought it was down it actually turned around and came charging. It was about 5 meters away. Luckily I managed to get that last shot off.

  6. its good that your not like other people that just cut out all of the bad shots. And for that your now my favourite hunting youtuber. Because your not scared of your mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  7. Correct me if I don't understand.
    So you traveled to a wonderful place, just to kill the animals that were born and live there in peace, without even eating their meat?
    Just to record a video, post it on a social network to measure public approval or disapproval?
    Hence the question arises.
    Is this how an intelligent animal acts?
    Saudações do Brasil

  8. Thanks For Showing the Bad and The Good Piet.

    Lessons people should take away from this.

    – The 50/50 shot is never worth it.

    – Only shoot a moving animal if its attacking you.

    You are a very good shot, just remember to get into the correct mindset when hunting. Its not a Competition and there is no timer attached to the Trigger.

  9. Pete I Really enjoyed the video I’m in Texas. If you hunt sooner or later we have to deal with circumstances that come with a animal with not a great shot. Awesome track and follow up. Those that don’t really hunt don’t understand. Those that do…..know how our Ethical, feelings work in our minds and how important that it is for us to go and finish the task.

  10. Exuse me, but the Hunter is a big Idiot without knowledge about Hog Population dynamics. Cause you shoot the mother first and not the little pigs, so they have uncontrolled breeding in the Future and the result are more and more pigs. Thats the same mistake the Americans are doing! Thats exactly the Main reason why the Population is increasing, increasing and increasing……uncontrolled breeding in hog groups without the chief mother you kill always at first………thats the mistake.


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