The Countercultural Rebellion of Reciting Creeds in an Age of Expressive Individualism,

Dr. Carl Trueman joins the podcast to talk about how the notion of human identity has changed over the course of modern history from an external source (your family, name, vocation) to an internal source (your feelings and sexual preferences). He also comments on the important role ancient Christian creeds play in fighting against the “expressive individualism” of our modern culture.
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22 thoughts on “The Countercultural Rebellion of Reciting Creeds in an Age of Expressive Individualism,”

  1. “Expressive individualism” is a term coined by the communist/communitarian, Robert Bellah. I find it very suspect to frame the issue in this way when the ideological roots of all these mutated branches trace back to Marxism and postmodernism. The roots of these ideologies stem from a type of neo-communism. To frame it as “individualism” is to direct the church to fight in exactly the wrong direction. Marxists love to marry a lie to the truth, so there is a measure of truth in that all sin comes out of individual hearts. But the Gnostic, neo-communist lie that the church needs to fight is the framing of group justice in terms of oppressed/oppressors as defined by the culture. This requires commissars to adjust shares between groups. It turns Biblical Justice upside down. It is why there are feminists supporting Hamas terrorists and celebrating the ability to murder their own babies while they cry about the evils of “mis -gendering” (which in reality would be correctly gendering). They can frame Hamas terrorists as the oppressed. They can frame themselves as the oppressed in reference to men. There is no evil they will not justify if it comes from an “oppressed” group. All of these groups hate Christianity. Christians will always be framed by them as the oppressors. This is not individualism. It is a mutated form of satanic communism. Goes back to Hegel and Marx’s Satanic hatred of God.

  2. Another helpful perspective is that of professor Möller, who runs the YT channel “Carefree Wondering”. Especially in his early videos, he explains his ideas about how the concept of identity has changed over time. It fleshes out similar ideas to these in a different way.

  3. as a Christian.
    I've had a lot of nihilistic feelings and thinking for a long time, and it's worse because i'm Autistic. And since I'm autistic, the way my life has been. The way my life has been.
    For most of my short life. Has almost felt like a Jail And even when I had My job. I just always felt like my life was meaningless, and it was doing nothing that my life.
    He's just wasting away, achieving nothing, being nothing, and being stuck where I live.

    I often feel Julius, Caesar. Because he When he read about the conquest of alexander the great He cried Because everything he had done in life was nothing compared alexander and his short life Alexander did something to get himself remembered forever And caesar realized At that point in his life. He would be forgotten and never remembered. And from those feelings gave birth for Caesar's desire for conquest. And to be like alexander

    I have often Pleaded with God for years. Or just strictly told him I hate my life But I wish I could live in the past. Live a different life in be like that was great, conquerors and generals and warriors of the past.

    I'm a history nerd and I love conquest I could fit more into the past Then I would in the modern world

    I am not ignorant what I say because I'm a historynerd and I know how people lived I've I know more about history than people know about their own languages.

    I have just wanted a life that had more meaning and had more things for me to do And and not have a life that turns to dust

    I just know I could have done more if I was given a chance In a different Point in history I just know There were so many lives I could have lived.

    ( And please for everything holy Do don't say I need to accept Jesus into my heart or become born again. It gets so tiring Hearing that

    I know my salvation Thank you very much)

  4. I believe vigilantly limiting a teen's time on social media can dial back a) exposure to radical ideas and behavior. AND limiting a teen's time on social media can FREE TIME for healthy interpersonal activities like sports, music, other learned skills with people.
    Other Activities offer a viable and productive excuse when that teen is confronted with peer pressure.

  5. The issue comes down to the redefining of evil as good and good as evil. All other rules, principles, measures etc only exist to serve that redefining. The feelings thing is just a vehicle of doing so. The redefining is all that matters.

  6. All this, can all-too-easily, simply degenerate into PRETENDING!…i.e…
    1. Someone identifies as what-they-would-LIKE-to-Be (because they think its cool), and so,
    2. they start thinking/imagining themself as that (whether they really are, or not), and so..
    3. Now, they end up "claiming it" without any real "credentials" or performance.

    20 yrs. ago this was called "Wishful thinking".

    8 yrs. ago this was called being a "Poser". Same ol' problem….

  7. In regards to the political issue about the older democrats being conservative: think of a ratchet. Liberals/progressives push the ratchet. It goes way farther than people are comfortable with so theres pushback. However, the conservatives act as the pall (the part that stops it turning in the other direction). So the process all together goes: Progressive over reach 4 steps, conservatives push it back 2 steps and lock down the "new normal". Conservatives control what is considered "acceptable right wingism". So even though you started four steps back conservatives set the tone that anything farther than 2 steps back is "extreme and unacceptable" then you repeat the process over and over. That is how society gets to the way it is. You're always moving left but each successive generation thinks they "fixed" progressivism but they are still farther left than ever before.

  8. All sexual activity is a behavior not an "orientation", since God created everyone heterosexual. He created no one homosexual since God says that is perversion. It's something that you do, not what you are. All sexual perversion is done by heterosexuals who pervert God's natural, created order. There is no "gay" gene. This would also include all lgbtq+ sexual activity.

  9. We have been using alot of Dr. Trumans work in the christian counselling training. We need to understand how important a "confessions and creeds " are to stand firm in our beliefs. I am amazed at how many people do not see much or any value in them.
    Thank you for having a solid reformed teacher on.

  10. Full of clear thinking! Eg, yes! Jesus welcomed, prostitutes [adulterers, etc
.] but he did not affirm their behaviour. He offered them forgiveness, grace, and freedom from a lifestyle that was destructive of their purpose.

  11. My husband and I are big fans of Rise and Triumph and actually led a semester(ish)-length Sunday school group on Strange New World. We would recommend some pre- and post-reading if you want to get a fuller picture of how expressive individualism developed as well as implications for how the thoughtful Christian should react: a good history tracing Platonism from its origination through the Enlightenment (where Trueman starts), followed by N. T. Wright's Surprised By Hope. That book is a pretty accessible summary of two of Wright's other books (~1600 pages condensed to ~200!), so make sure to have access to good biblical commentaries because he of necessity does "drive-by exegesis" as my husband puts it. 😜


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