Hunt The Bismarck | Lyrics

Hastags: #rock #metal #hmshood #WorldWarII #PatrioticMusic #ww2 #FreedomFighters #EpicBattles #Bismarck


(Verse 1)
We sailed out from Scapa Flow,
With a mission to uphold,
The pride of the Royal Navy,
In our hearts, brave and bold.
The Hood, she cuts the waves,
In the twilight of the dawn,
With orders clear, we seek the prey,
The Bismarck must be gone.

Hunt the Bismarck, to the end,
With fire and fury, we defend,
For the glory of the fleet,
In the storm and in the heat,
We’ll bring the beast to her knees,
Sail through the wild, stormy seas.

(Verse 2)
From the bridge, we see the foe,
A shadow on the ocean’s crest,
The mighty Bismarck’s power shows,
A daunting, deadly test.
But we’re the Hood, the mighty Hood,
With steel and fire, we stand,
To bring the beast’s reign to an end,
With courage, heart, and hand.

Hunt the Bismarck, to the end,
With fire and fury, we defend,
For the glory of the fleet,
In the storm and in the heat,
We’ll bring the beast to her knees,
Sail through the wild, stormy seas.

The cannons roar, the shells they fly,
A dance of death beneath the sky,
With every hit, we push on through,
The fate of empires rests on you.

(Verse 3)
She strikes us hard, we feel the blow,
The ocean claims its prize below,
But even as the waters rise,
We know we’ve fought with valiant cries.
The Hood may fall, but not in vain,
Our spirit sails the waves again,
For every ship and every man,
Will hunt the Bismarck to the end.

Hunt the Bismarck, to the end,
With fire and fury, we defend,
For the glory of the fleet,
In the storm and in the heat,
We’ll bring the beast to her knees,
Sail through the wild, stormy seas.

So remember, sons of England,
The tale of steel and flame,
Of how we sailed to meet our fate,
And won eternal fame.
The Hood may rest beneath the waves,
But our mission never ends,
We hunt the Bismarck through the years,
With every ship that sails and defends.

Written by Human/AI // Performed by Suno AI.


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