Harloween: Anneliese Michel- The Exorcisms Begin

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32 thoughts on “Harloween: Anneliese Michel- The Exorcisms Begin”

  1. I have been waiting .. I researched Anneliese after your last video on her and oh wow. I found a move that was all the real video's of her exorcisms. I had to stop watching. That poor young woman. 👻 And can this be explained? Scary

  2. Wow. I listened to part 1 and 2 in a row, and can't wait 'til part 3 comes out!! So interesting and what an awesome story and history teller Stephanie is! Thank you Stephanie, you never disappoint!❤️

  3. He felt something radiate from the thyroid…. the place that regulates your hormones and SO Many other things 🤦‍♀️ The Eyes turning black…. happens because your pupils dilate when you are scared or in grief 🤦‍♀️. I don't Doubt that she believed she was possessed

  4. On the topic of seizures and anti-psychotics, I am on a drug called lamotrigine for epilepsy and it’s also used as a mood stabilizer for people with Manic depression. Maybe that’s sort of what her medicine was

  5. I’m overwhelmingly curious what could have genuinely helped her with whatever specifically was going on in her head. I really think this was a mental illness coupled with physical ailments. I truly feel sorry for her.I do think possession is possible but I’m skeptical with every possession story because I wasn’t there and I don’t know what’s being exaggerated etc.

  6. The entire problem sounds as if she was suffering from some type of brain damage. Had she fallen, or hit her head as a child and no one knew it? Symptoms denote a form of brain wave or signal problem. The right drugs could have helped her immensely. Today, in a much less religious area, there would probably be a much more simple solution.

  7. Is the psychotic med off label prescribed perhaps – sometimes meds have other reactions on body example metformin for diabetes and sugar control can also be used to dissolve ovarian cyst 💁🏼‍♀️ just a thought

  8. The power of belief, suggestion and the like is absolutely real, and really powerful. This is how placebos work. Someone could completely convince themselves that they are possessed, stemming from their ABSOLUTE faith in the matter. To them, reality is that God, demons, ect are indeed real. You then add the self faith, mixed with faith of others encouraging her mindset, as well as a 1000 plus year history of similar faith, and I can imagine that a possession could occur and manifest itself physically within her. Psychosomatic symptoms are a documented reality. Perhaps possessions are based on this phenomenon.

    On a deeper level, what IS reality? The sum of existence as we PERCEIVE it? A combination of sensory input, compiled into a "picture" by our brains? Now, reality would be the sum sensory perceptions as shared, or suggested by others. The reality of isolated groups of people is different than the rest of the world. For instance north Koreans have only been told of, shown, seen or heard about things that their government wants them to see. Their reality is different than ours because of this. So, just because we haven't sensed as a whole, or our physical instruments of sensing cannot detect certain things/concepts doesn't mean it's not real. Does music not exist because a deaf man is unable to hear it? Perhaps the spiritual realm exists, but we are not equipped to "see" it. Discounting concepts that we cannot "see" is intellectually dishonest. To believers of demons the powers behind them, they perceive that they are real, and the mind and body can act accordingly.

  9. sorry your doctors dont answer your questions or communicate. i have a chronic illness since i was a teen and because im female and have pain and have had depression, (treated), i was literally told is was all in my head (the sexism in medicine is disgusting, especially with chronic pain syndromes, the literature is thicccc). i used to just say nothing and leave crying. now, i wont take no for an answer, i come with my notes and questions, know my illness better than my doctors, know my medicine better than my gp etc. ive had so many gp's until i found my current one who is amazing. ive never had any luck with male gp's… just dismissed completely. i was once told that i would never graduate from uni (i have 2 degrees, 4 majors, 2 diplomas so suck it old man). i was legit going to go as a condescending male doctor for halloween

  10. im a staunch athiest. i feel so similar to you sometimes and wish i could just believe. i sometimes am jealous of people who believe in these things and it gives them support and hope and comfort.
    i sought knowledge on how people could literally believe in their religions. for me its beyond comprehension. it just made no sense to me. i too went to univeristy and studied the philosophy of religion, seeking answers on how people can believe in these things. i took multiple papers but it made me more athiest and cynical.
    i believe religion tries to comfort the uncomfortability and fear we feel toward the general unknown and the most unknown to us is death. im okay with no knowing.
    i dont care if others are spiritual, except extremist and when it causes harm (which unfortunately is great).

  11. Back then having a mental illness was one of the worst things which could happen to you. I grow up in the 80ties in Germany and nobody would ever admit to have mental problems because it came with a big stigma. I think, for some people being "possessed" seemed to be the better way out. Probably that was also the reason why the doctor danced around the fact. Having epilepsy was bad enough, but being psychotic would have set the parents totally off.

  12. I've always believed in the paranormal.. however I also have familial experience with people with mental illnesses and schizophrenia… and a lot of the behaviors of those align so this case is always one that makes me lean towards mental illness vs possession… but how in depth you're going is great… like, if they really were trying everything and nothing else worked, what else were they to do? … I would argue that, if avail at that time, a short stay and evaluation in a psychiatric hospital when she was doing all those self harm behaviors may have been better.. self harm is also a sign of schizophrenia.. and if you've ever been around someone in a schizophrenic episode, their eyes do appear darker/different… almost like they're gone and you're dealing with a wild animal in that moment.. so idk, looking forward to part 3, before I make a final opinion on this case, if I can even come to one at all lol TY

  13. Just wanted to say that I love your videos. Also, I pray for you to have the peace that God has to offer. I love how you said you really wish you sometimes could feel that peace. When I am talking with my family or friends who are also Christians we bring this up many times. I can’t imagine going through this life without having the peace that comes with Christianity: I have such a peace over all hard and happy times in my life because of the peace that comes with my faith. It’s hard to describe so I found it interesting that you see it in religions. I’m sure you have heard Faith like a mustard seed. Faith is what pulls us through and also testimony of Gods goodness. I have a lot of testimony from my own life and the peace I have knowing that God has a plan for my life and families is the ultimate peace. I know all things good and bad are meant to be. I have survived through things that should be In a Netflix series and can only thank my Heavenly Father for that. ❤ anyway, I am a terrible writer but if you read this I hope you have a wonderful day!

  14. Listen the breathing thing at 1:07:15 made me think of this girl I saw recently on TikTok where she shared that she (a person with Tourette’s) had a breathing tick where she has this compolusion to just suck in air continuously until it satisfies the tick, even when it’s painful…so instead she holds her breath to give the same “ satisfying” feeling. Even to the point of scaring her friends or getting light headed. It was the first time I’ve ever heard of a tic like that, then I heard this! Not a doctor but I do think it’s interesting to think and chew it over.

  15. It’s funny that you you say “yeah try finding a new doctor now” cause it’s so true. So many doctors at the place I go left last month and this month so they are sooo short on doctors. They don’t let you switch doctors cause they don’t have enough.

  16. I can understand her feeling drained or tired from all the medications. I am epileptic myself and I was on Tegretol for years. I constantly felt tired. I began having vertigo and it turned out I was on the wrong medication for years, and the Tegretol built up in my system and that's what made me feel dizzy, hence why I thought I had vertigo. I'm on something else now and have had no more dizzy spells. I'm just verifying that some medications for seizures can make one feel tired and lethargic.

  17. I thought you were going to approach this case without any preconceived notions, I admit I'm a bit disappointed that you are so quickly dismissing these things that none of us can know for sure whether they are real or not. I was excited to listen to you go over this case, thinking you would keep an open mind, therefore allowing the listener to come to their own conclusions, instead of pushing what you actually think happened. While I understand that you are disgusted by what these people did to Annalise, as I and most people are, it still does not dismiss the possibility that what happened to Annalise and others in this story may have indeed been paranormal. Also, I would like to point out that what the doctors put her through was also torture, it was just a very long drawn out kind of torture.

  18. I so need to email you. So many of these meds i WAS on and am still on All
    Of this is point on Stephanie and they didn’t know shit back then. Tegretol is a mean ugly medicine at least it was from me ans was a whole host of others it’s difficult not focus yes. One
    Med they had me on Did some
    Really messed up stuff. Turned out I have lupus epilepsy and meds really were the bad guys.

  19. A couple years back I read that the number one depression medicine is actually made for schizophrenia, but because there's such a low percentage of people with schizophrenia they market it to people with depression as well.

  20. The fratzen may be OCD. Typically ocd starts with unwanted intrusive thoughts (obsession) and the need to do something to fix them like pray or go to church (compulsion) to ease the thoughts. The problem is she has studied her religion a lot which is making her obsessions worse. She also has seizures and so many other ailments as well that make her isolated and bed ridden. Can def make anxiety disorders and depression much worse!

  21. Stephanie, did you ever come across anything regarding the bruising around her eyes? The bruises are super circular, I’m not saying they are makeup, but they always looked like makeup in the photos.

  22. I have a case request, it's a case that really lacks coverage. Murder of Roman Edalov from Russia, it is a hate crime against LGBT+, but Russia, of course, doesn't recognize it that way. He and another gay man were attacked when leaving gay club, Edalov sheltered Evgeny Efimov from a knife and died, in my opinion, as a hero. It was on 29th of June, Moscow. The murderer Berejnoy only served a year and 11 months. It is still ongoing, second trial on the 3d of November this year. As I said, noone treats it like a hate crime, Russia is really homophobic and we have new laws against LGBT+ community in process right now. I'm LGBT+ myself and I'd be really grateful if you could cover it
    Thank you for your content✨

  23. So I normally love your videos. This one was hard for me. I felt you were nowhere near as open to the possibilities in this as you were of the Black Eyed Children. Another thing to think of is for someone who is extremely religious, the idea of assaults by demons are terrifying, and not something they would think is "cool". Miracles happen all the time. Also how many times have you talked about other people having feelings about the killers you talk about, of just sensing something is wrong? Like I said, your videos or normally my favorites, I just wonder if your own admitted prejudices colored your view on this one.


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