Humans Will Mate Any Alien They Want And Not A Single Thing Will Stop It | Sci-Fi Story | HFY Story

This story was granted permission by reddit author u/Ok-Significance-1752 to me to narrate and add to this YouTube channel.
Story Part1 Link:
Story Part2 Link:
Story Part3 Link:
Story Part4 Link:
Story Part5 Link:

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27 thoughts on “Humans Will Mate Any Alien They Want And Not A Single Thing Will Stop It | Sci-Fi Story | HFY Story”

  1. Pacing, punctuation, and pronounciation makes this channel seem like AI narrator content. All too common in the HFY youtube genre these days. If you're using an AI voice actor, by all means do so, but please make it clear that that's what's going on. College being pronounced as collage over and over is pretty egregious. Makes it seem like a typo read by a bot.

  2. Good story about how the legitimate personal grievances of a few individuals get coopted and exploited by pundits, politicians and extremists to further their own agendas at everyone else's expense. Sadly it's an all too common occurrence IRL.

  3. What the heck is this mess?!? No plot, no continuity, no characters to keep track of, no theme, no sense of story. Utter drivel. Rip it apart and start over from the outline, man. Gotta clean this bucket of slop up.

  4. I used to ride my motorcycle from Schofield Barracks to Barbers Point and there was a sign that said sailors go home, stop stealing our women and buying our weed.
    The response was roughly they didn’t want either the women, Thai stocks were cheaper.
    Wish I had stopped to take a picture…..

  5. Someone took some real life stories of probably middle-east tragedies and turned it into sci-fi. Good old social commentary if nothing else. Not exactly "fun" but interesting.


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