Humanity Rising Day 752: Making UFO Disclosure Official: What's happening and why now?

Prepare for Disclosure: Join our Live Course on Consciousness & Past Lives starting this Thursday Sept 14th. Gain an understanding of extraterrestrial presence in ancient civilizations, and why it is relevant today:

The US Congress has passed legislation mandating that all agencies of the US Government must turn in any and all information on what they are now calling “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (UFOs) to a special committee which will then disseminate the information to the public. Recent Congressional testimony asserts categorically that UAPs exist and that the US Military has been tracking them for decades. The prospect that UFOs are here on Earth has staggering implications that could quite literally change the course of history. Few have been more deeply immersed in the phenomenon of UFOs than Daniel Sheehan who will examine some of the more recent developments in the UFO phenomenon including revelations by a former Pentagon employee regarding a long-running program that investigates UFO sightings. Danny will take us beyond the discussion of whether UFOs are real or whether UFOs are being piloted by highly intelligent, highly technologically developed but distinctly non-human beings from some extraterrestrial civilization, but instead to: What are the profound philosophical, theological, psychological, sociological and public policy questions that are now being posed to humanity by the “reality” of this non-human species here in our Milky Way Galaxy.

Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School–trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney. Dan served as Legal Counsel to Dr. John Mack, the Chair of the Department of Clinical Psychology at Harvard Medical School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Mack was a Pulitzer-Prize winning biographer who, utilizing the scientific methods of medical psychology, conducted extensive research into the phenomenon of alien abduction. In 1994, the Dean of The Harvard Medical School called Dr. Mack before a special hand-picked Faculty Committee and ordered Dr. Mack to “defend” his publication of his book Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens. A clear violation of his free speech rights and his status as a long-tenured Professor at Harvard University—as well as a highly-respected clinician—Dan successfully represented Dr. Mack before this committee, and secured his right to academic freedom.

Jim Garrison

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42 thoughts on “Humanity Rising Day 752: Making UFO Disclosure Official: What's happening and why now?”

  1. Question why American soldiers are going to Mexico to testify in they’re uap congressional hearing. Why they’re not using soldiers of their own not bound by American classification law. Beware ex cia Joseph Spencer’s deathbed testimony back in 1989.

  2. I have been hoping to get legal prospective of Schumer's addition to the NDAA 2024. Thank you. But I have some additions and a correction, David Grusch provided testmony 5-6 months before July 26th hearing (both Congress 4hrs with staffer, confidential and secure congress computer, IG, David, his lawyer and Senate 8hrs with Senate lawyers, IG, David, his layer, Court reporter/stenographer. No Senate reps or staffers were allowed to attend Question why.). As for David Grusch's PTSD he admitted in the Newsnation interview that he sufferd from PTSD… Veteran of Afghanistan and suicide of friend. It was the allegaition of alcholism and statements of suicide; disingenuously revealed by a reporter from The Intercept. This reporter was tipped off by the DOD/IC and is a sceptic of UFOs/UAPs. He admitted this to viewers on the The Hill online news program. There there is breaking news according to Matt at The Good Trouble Show that two more witnesses have come forward.

  3. When you go from the government is setting up a committee to stating that the government is saying there are aliens on earth, you lose all credibility and demonstrate you are an idiot.

  4. Arro is restricting and hiding information and not fully informing Congress. Secret State is restricting Congress it's a see who has more power. Still, lying and withholding information. Who runs the government and controls the disclosure committees. Still not releasing the Kennedy assassination information shows someone is running our Government and what they deem the public does not need to know. This shows even Congress does not control what is released. Years that is what they want to give these layers to hide information.Shows how stupid Congress is they want to create a panel instead of getting the information themselves. They hid it for 85 years and now want to give them 10 years more destroying our Planet! War mongers!!, greater profits for big corporations. Why convict somebody this guy has Trump already in Prison!! and Biden President, Democrats in control of both Houses! Is this proof the future is already written! Need to solve the problems of the world first and stop things that could help the World not weaponized to destroy the world.

  5. I think Niel Degrasse Tyson MUST BE NOMINATED for all the 9 posts in this committee. He is the MOST HONEST 😅 TRUTH SEEKING 😊DISCLOSURE WARRIOR 😂 we have in America. Even Extraterrestrials and Metaterrestrials 😅 support him. Once you appointe Niel the truth will be revealed to the world. 😅

  6. Hello Gentleman ❤ I have the biggest whistle and blow it really really hard but unfortunately Most people can’t hear it? 😩 I am Disclosure you watched the rest Now you should watch the Best UFO show on planet earth believe it or not ? UFO Busters That UFO Show Australia 🇦🇺 Strange invaders 🛸

  7. You may want to look into Maitreya story through Benjamin Creme, even some in the Pentagon have read his books. They invited him in the 90s to give a talk. Bush Sr. sent intel to London and asked for advise. This is one story that MSM, USG and certain fundamentalists in them have worked to hide. Also the Chris Bledsoe story as he is the one to watch!

  8. Kind of a nothing burger- Has anyone ever wondered why people who have made threats to whistleblowers are never named? No one can find them because they dont exists. It would be very easy to trace all the bad actors instantaniously. All of the UFO broadcast are solely produced to sensationalize the issue for profit and view count. Name names or put a lid on it.

  9. This website is a red herring, a ruse intended to waste time and distract. The covert group who are in receipt of the black budget/s and who are in control of S4 and other secret bases across the USA (and around the world) already have loads of data regarding UAP’s. This group have advanced alien technology, exotic space crafts and even alien bodies. Congress need to get the top judges, presidential candidates and generals on their side and then physically go to these bases and force the doors open.

  10. I'm an multi experiencer i have no trust in anything the government says or does, it will always be self serving and anti Nature,
    I'm sure the DOD plans on making war with them like they do everything else, i will celebrate our extinction

  11. The only thing that could be more hopeful about this upcoming disclosure is if the aliens decide that since we know that they are there, and that we have achieved some modicum of civil behavior, that they will break their "non interference" rule and save our environment.

  12. Excellent conversation regarding the UFO/UAP issue. I am so glad to hear you are a part of it. I love and respect you very much. But regarding your statements on Trump/Biden-it seems to me that Biden is and represents a part of the corrupt political class that you became aware of as a young man which eventually caused you to become a lawyer. To me-Trump is a populist, along the lines of Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt. Someone who like you despises the corrupt political class and the dysfunction it represents, and only wants was best for the American people as a whole. The trials you speak of regarding Trump leading up to the next election are in my opinion nothing more than an attempt by the corrupt political class to keep an outsider like Trump from ever getting into office again.

  13. This is so important and impacting for all living beings on the earth.
    And I would just make a humble small point that we need the whole Scientific Community, all between the sociological and the physiological institutions to join this effort.
    A very interesting future awaits on us all 😌

  14. we share this planet with several highly advanced species that have lived in our oceans and deep earth caverns for millions of years. they pilot the crafts we see in our skies and over our oceans everyday.
    please stop and just use logic, critical thinking, common sense, deductive reasoning, and ockam's razor. very few reports of ufos in space or on other planets. thousands of reports of ufos around this planet going back thousands of years. there's a reason why our navy "encounters" them over the oceans.

    we've been brainwashed to believe they're visiting.
    we're not alone on this planet. we share this planet with several highly advanced species that have lived in our oceans and deep earth caverns for millions of years.

  15. Perhaps the most optimistic democratic political outlook I've ever heard. I think his percentages probably need to drop by a factor of 3. Other than that, very interesting information on the "plan." Hopefully this plan works out better than the last Disclosure President plan.

  16. I would think that sheehan would be smart enough to know that this co called "controlled disclosure" will never happen. He should know that the treasonous criminals that have been injuring and killing people to maintain this secrecy will never let it happen!

  17. As much as we like to think this is a victory, I am reminded about the Chinese proverb which say's ; "In war, even victory is like a funeral." I don't think we are going to get away so neatly with this transition without paying some great price for keeping this a secret for so long. Let us take it all in with a heavy heart.

  18. The UAP / UFO technology they have ben hiding from teh public for over 75 years is highly advanced physics, so this secrecy is equivalent to hiding from humanity:

    1 – free clean energy like Nikola Tesla's = end of oil and pollution;
    2 – Magical medical cures = end of pharma;
    3 – As a consequence of the above, the cost of all goods manufactured will collapse, which will necessarily cause the fundamental reconstruction of what is now essentially slavery banking into something that will be highly favourable for humanity.

    Of course teh Star beings have much more to offer us too, but these little things will eliminate disparity, poverty, starvation and even war within 30 years. Since these are teh primary ways our controllers assert dominance and harvest extream wealth from humanity, disclosing them to th4e public is by no means a certain thing even with full cgovernment support.

    Having said that, this is FANTASTIC NEWS and a major step in the right direction of emancipating humanity from wrong-minded controllers and evolving to a higher level of civilization, consciousness and being; something that will be vastly better for all of humanity, Earth and all species on it. WE just need to get past teh 8,000 elite controlling us now.

  19. Sheehan explained what helped me to join some missing dots I was trying find out. I’m not sure I share his optimism regarding the political climate I’ve feeling of foreboding that I can’t seem to shake if it’s only Biden and Trump to be considered. We shall see. I’m observing all of this unfolding with discernment and curiosity. The panel of 9 if successfully agreed to, needs to be truly independent bringing both thesis and antithesis so as biases are neutralised

  20. It seems important to bear in mind that the extraterrestrial activity which has largely been documented revolves around unwilling 'captures' or encounters, which is the calling card of the dark forces. Meanwhile, benevolent realms, also cosmic in nature, are here in force, but use much gentler and only voluntary encounters, because it is the divine law that we only commune with the divine through our own sovereign choice. This may be a hint about how we are duped into becoming the stage directors of dark rather than attuning to the light, which waits for the invite.

  21. Shouldn’t we be suspicious at the apparent concern for our planet communicated by these entities?

    Altruism like this is very very rare in nature. Why would they care about us and our planet?

    We should suspect that these entities have an interest in us or Earth, which is why they don’t want us to destroy it.

  22. I loved everything that he said up until he started talking about politics and how Biden will win the election in a landslide. Very informative before that then he turned into a big Dildo.😢


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