Humanity is not a "virus"


44 thoughts on “Humanity is not a "virus"”

  1. I've hated humanity as a whole since early childhood. It's just so rotten. And you can't say I was indoctrinated into thinking this because my family does not have that view. I'm aloud to observe our species and hate the destruction we've caused and the superiority complex we have. Stop shaming my misanthropy.
    I hate humanity but then I love many of the people I meet and am crushingly empathetic for even complete strangers.

  2. It’s not self hatred. It’s just acknowledgement that maybe we’re not the most important thing on the planet, and acknowledgement that our existence, our ways and our great numbers have an impact on other life on earth, and wanting to be, as a species, kinder.

  3. From what I see everyday there are plenty of ppl having way too many babies but maybe that's because all we see anymore here along the southern border are Hispanics with anywhere from 6 to 10 children living in free homes, getting free food, free medical and free schooling.

  4. Some of us are too mentally and financially unstable and we dont want to take on that responsibility, get involved with the wrong man and ruin our entire lives..why is this so difficult to understand 😕
    Its okay for men to act like young adults at 45..but women should have it all figured out by 25…OKAY!! Im getting sick of this red pill narative.

  5. I want to remain childless but not because I hate humanity. Humans are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14) in the image of God. I just don't trust myself with that kind of responsibility. I'd rather be the fun uncle.

  6. Look up the characteristics of a virus and how they effect their environment around them, and then look up every other mammal on the planet and how they effect their environment and you'll see we humans act more like a virus than we do mammals

  7. Yall are sounding like dems – you get mad at pple for having kids who aren’t good parents, but then get mad at pple who don’t have kids bc they know they couldn’t handle it??

  8. I’d rather never have kids and even found a doctor who agreed to make sure of that when I was in my early 20’s. Honestly much happier not having to worry about kids. I can go on vacation, work whatever hours I want, have money to do things I want to do, no stressing the shitty school system in this country, no dealing with doctors appointments other then my own, and more. Kids are not for me at all and I don’t want the responsibility that comes with raising a child. Plus I can’t stand bratty kids or teens, so I’d not be a fit parent to such a child.
    My life is annoying enough with adding the extra stress and problems a kids comes with.
    People need to realize that not everyone wants kids and that is perfectly fine! There are plenty out there who do want kids, so it’s not like humans are going to just vanish over some people not wanting kids.
    It’s our lives to decide what we do with, not the governments, not the scientist, not the doctors, not anyone else’s.

  9. Actually this is a matter of concern. This I believe that this generation is having a depression. And it's not only in the USA but in other parts of the world too. I belive that after the pandemic, the prices of goods that are basic have increased. And there is lesser job opportunities. Plus, many people have lost somebody in their lives too. Also, the climate change could be a reason for these depressive state of mind. Surely their are government policies that are not helping too. And also, during this age of internet, instead of bringing people closer, we've somewhere went apart. I think this is a major concern and needs to get addressed. Now, not everyone is like this. But a major chunk of people are in a hopeless state of mind

  10. Df. No that is 100% wrong. It's not self hate. It's not racism to humanity.
    And look at China. There Forcing to people to have One kid. There choosing to. And in a lot of ways there are many other reasons not to have kids.
    Put it this way. We're coming up on another depression with pricing and values. Some people are even seeing that property is more expensive than in the depression before.

    I know I'm not a good father figure. Id rather wait till I know I can have kids without a problem.
    Long story short please don't speak for people.


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