Huge Youtubers Are Quitting

This is the greatest happiness pursuit of All Time


31 thoughts on “Huge Youtubers Are Quitting”

  1. A lot of people are chronically online because it's all they've ever known. I was brought up like that and I didn't really understand reality till I took initiative. I feel like Tfue took a step in the right direction towards the better future mentally. Games n online are fun but too much can bend your concept of reality as stupid as it sounds. People don't realize how much they care about online till like internet outages or that source is taken away from them.

  2. But why wouldn't these big hitters switch it up instead of being miserable with the monotonous content and quitting? They already got the bag, so they can take the hit on subs and branch out with their content. I understand starting a new chapter in one's life, but quitting because of being pigeon-holed seems silly.

  3. I subscribe to heaps of varied YouTube Channels & often leave positive comments. I rarely unsubscribe from any channel. It's surprising to trip on a channel I haven't seen for awhile to find I've been unsubscribed !!! This happens to a lot of channels & I haven't unsubscribed. So Charlie if you're off for 4 days break & lose thousands of subscribers, I think the system is throwing us off channels – it's not us personally 🤔

  4. i just wanna say that the point charlie makes about "consistency or loss in subs" is the worst take he could possibly have. there is a mass of youtubers that pretty much based their whole careers on being inconsistent. for example Fearless or CoryxKenshin (both having millions upon millions of subs). so saying that inconsistency will lose you subs/viewers is just stupid

  5. I might be missing something, but if the streamer is so Rich, why can’t he just take the hit of lower subscribers and try to make different content? I understand if he’s had enough of content in general, but complaining about being pigeon holed seems off, he’s popular enough that a new channel or a pivot would have a algorithmic boost to start

  6. I do sympathise in a way because, experiencing burnout ain't fun, but I sympathise more with countless other ordinary workers trying to put food on the table of their loved ones, and with no option to take a break…

  7. Zero empathy felt. The fact that ppl make burn out videos and or I’m so sad videos is pretty much pathetic. Grow a pair move on and don’t make a video for more hits and subs. I DONT CARE! Just stfu , open that thing called a front door and make something of yourself. The best thing that could happen if those ppl actually got the hell off the internet and committed to their clickbait pussy videos. Contribute to the country you live in instead of sponging off it. Content Creators is a freaking joke! The actual content creators with value get zero recognition. Just those that destroy expensive items , waste money and give zero respect while claiming how hard it is. While posting videos about how they do that for the subs, likes & comments . Just shows how ignorant the youth and many generations are. I’m sure ppl will hate this reply & will prove my point through commenting. I give zero fucks. Go upstairs and cry to momma.

  8. People looking for an online career = people looking for a way to share what they love with the world and still be allowed to live in it without being forced to do labor they don't want to do. The irony is palpable.

  9. As someone who sees these YouTubers complaining about stuff it’s quite entertaining because unless you have worked since and before Covid you actually know the real trouble ohh ya all those people who still had to go to work still treated like shit at there jobs the pubic called them heroes and now everyone who’s been working since then are now swept under the rug treated even worse stores are broken into 24 seven and most stores don’t even bother calling the cops because they won’t show up that’s real issues in society don’t complain about your job just do it then when you can retire do so and talk shit about the job ect afterwards

  10. Even when you try to make this understandable all I can think is

    "Here is a sad song on the worlds smallest violin. Ya big baby"

    No. These people have the most privileged life possible and I feel zero sadness for them and their burnout 😂

  11. As a content creator building their audience… Every day feels like I am fighting Youtube the company every turn. Videos get a couple dozen views and then go completely dead, Subscribers are unsubscribed, views counts altered with views deleted. I have videos that have been on the platform that have been there for four to five years and have zero views. If I wasn't stubborn, I would have quite by now. At this point I make content equal parts because I like what I do and to Spite Youtube itself for trying to kill my channel so much.

  12. can’t lie is a bit of a millionaire priveledge to be able to stop working and enjoy your life- and i think everyone should be able to, but i know 30 year old single mums doing 50 hours- they don’t get the opportunity to stop

  13. I think one of the problems is hoe young some of these people are jumping into this, they never get to experience a lot of the aspects of a 'normal life' whcih can make them feel isolated and a bit lost, it also doesnt give them perspective of their job vs what they could be doing. Ive noticed older yotubers that get into content creation after doing other things seem to be a lot more enthused and steady.


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