Hollow Knight Pro Tries DARK SOULS

HK PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXVkJczjhvw&list=PLywroLhQTMWG3KxEswy_JLvnpw1KuyQrt

Park Tolls is finally here guys. Hopefully this game will be fun and not make me bald haha haha haha. Anyways, shoutout to you guys for showing up today, you’re the best omgggg. Leave a like for another Dark Souls gameplay. ok bye.


28 thoughts on “Hollow Knight Pro Tries DARK SOULS”

  1. You're gonna love this one; it's not as hard as the reputation it was given, but it is still a bit tough. The main game is about as hard as radiance at its hardest, maybe a bit less, and the DLC gets about as hard as Nightmare King Grim, maybe a bit less. It's a far slower game over all than Hollow Knight. If you want, learn the Parry mechanic on the enemies in Undead Burg, as that is REALLY fun to master. I think you'll love this game.

  2. ok heres some thing you may wat to try as your in undaedbrger wen you eraper at the nersis bounyfier as you walk thoru undaed breg kill them as ypu go throu undaedberg thos that are on top fo thing you can got up to them to ther the ones fiering ther corssbows at you take them uot and you will not haf to worrey a buot airerows hiting you and you can bolk them to not juts paraey if you usis your shlled and wen one is ner you if the enemy has a sword and shlled to you sated a faire fight tho enemys with a shlled and saper are more so you can got be hined them aftder kiking the shlled or you can swing away at them with your sword to this has ben omage apalth fo the way fo wite may my light gide you

  3. ye rotusu demon do wet you can to look uot for itswopen and roll in a dierickins away from its wopen but at its balls cuz you can roll right under his legs a got nutstohsis on him with your sword and shlled i wood say usis soul airerows but you do not seem to hav them yet your self and fier balls help to a long with helaing so if you had thos you wood not usis up all your flask hav a nices day

  4. Gee, its almost like hollow knight players dont realize it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN COMMON with Dark Souls and still labeled it as a souls like because the bosses have health bars. Im gonna pray for you, i cant imagine the expectations you had going into this game and its gonna be super rough at first. Dont be afraid to use summons, and dont be afraid to use wikidot or fextralife for help.

  5. I mean there are two very important things that you need to learn in Dark souls:
    – dodge properly (roll make you litterally invulnerable during a very short time, so you can basically roll through everything)
    – learn to parry, because a lot of ennemies are made way easier when parried, such as black knights, or Gwyn ofc
    Looking for the next episode, and until it comes,


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