HUECO MUNDO, DEFEATED! – Bleach: TYBW Episode 2 | Full Manga SPOILER Discussion + New OP Analysis

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Beware manga spoilers in this video!

Hueco Mundo has fallen, and its queen, Harribel, has been captured! Episode 2 of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War was exciting and full of excellent moments, including highly anticipated new scenes. At the same time, some vital elements were lost for the sake of pacing – let’s discuss the episode in-depth, with comparisons to the manga!

Intro – 00:00
What’s Covered? – 03:30
New OP Discussion – 04:40
Spoiler Analysis – 09:35
Predictions – 34:42

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24 thoughts on “HUECO MUNDO, DEFEATED! – Bleach: TYBW Episode 2 | Full Manga SPOILER Discussion + New OP Analysis”

  1. I loved the addition of the halibel scene it did alot to really make the hueco mundo invasion more conceivable but im glad they didnt show yhwach fighting halibel cause its too early to show his power outright just hinting at it does way more

  2. My favorite moment this week was Yhwach popping the heads of the two converted arrancar. The way he casually murders his own subordinates with no effort is a great setup for how strong and ruthless of a villain he is going to be.

  3. 11:10 Makes me worried that they might remove scenes like Chad asking Ichigo's opinion on Orihime's new outfit and Yoruichi berating him for not complementing her and then the Yoruichi fan service that happened during her and Urahara's fight against Askin Nak LeVaar.

  4. I ask myself how would the espada have faired, if Aizen hadn't intervened. In truth, they would all have been wiped out.

    Aizen did help them get stronger, and in the event the all survived – I still think they would have been wiped out.

    Nevertheless, the espada are my favorite characters in this series.

  5. One thing that hasn't really been brought up since it was shown in the first trailer but im disappointed we don't get real time yhwach moustache growing like in the manga. Partially because the partway grown moustache is my fave look of his, more so than his fully grown one.

    I'm not happy about the cut comedic relief. I think it gives a lot of personality to the series and gives a bit more life to what are essentially throwaway characters like shino and ryunosuke. They left in some comedy moments anyway with shino and a couple with nel so they cherry picked some to keep in its not like theyre removing every one.

    This is just a bleach thing but yhwach has tiny calves in the manga. seriously skinny legs. So hes not massive entirely.

    I don't know how people defend removing byakuya's eulogy. Their justification was that the silence was more impactful and because nobody cared about sasakibe anyway byakuya's speech was a cheap way to get us to care. But thats nonsense. Nobody caring about sasakibe is precisely why the dead silence doesn't work and byakuya would have at least served to explain to the viewer the importance of him to yamamoto since its impossible for them to make us feel it for a minor character.

    Still not sold on the muted filter on hueco mundo. That filter only worked on the manga covers. for this arc i couldn't imagine it if they colored it the whole manga that way.

    They should've shown us a fight between yhwach and harribel, even a short one. i assume within reason budget isn't a concern. Having yhwach just remain in his same pose for 2 minutes felt a bit cheap and something that the old anime would do to pad time. Better than nothing i suppose. If they gave harribel one line shes likely to have more. or else they wouldn't have even given her one and just not called back the voice actor.

    Call me a debby downer but i think every single edit they made to existing scenes was worse than how it was executed in the manga. All the additions have been appreciated however. the tres bestias were fantastic. Bleach has so many loveable minor side characters. Quilge slaughtering the arrancar was better however. But i did want to see sung sun stabbing her sai through someone's head. There's been a lot of blood in the arc but no gore really such as the aforementioned weapons going through skulls. And quilge killing his own subordinate should not have been omitted. Basically what i already said. I think every change is bad.

    I suppose i shouldn't be expecting the same level of quality as chainsawman (though funnily enough the CG in bleach i find is debatably better then it was in chainsawman) but the animation was slightly disappointing in parts. The scenes with characters running. Its hardly a major issue since those are unimportant scenes. But maybe I've deluded myself into thinking that this would be the return of the century and because of it it would have the best animation every out of anything.

  6. im so glad they are cutting a lot of the fluff (so far) being pulled away from the story a ton to lighten the mood feels counter productive. The story gets Dark, its suppose to make you feel to an extent, what the characters are feeling. They aren't happy, they aren't excited they aren't having to good a time. Mixing two aspects that are polar opposites if done incorrectly (which is immensely easy to do) you end up having the two clash to the point where they just bog each other down.

  7. I think the silence in the Funeral Scene works because it's sort of something like the "Kurosaki Ichigo, Please Save Soul Society" scene. The ambience also really helps set the mood up and the way Yamamoto said "Light the fire" was subtly hinting at his pent-up rage leading to his conversation with Mayuri around Episode 3 (if they do it next week).


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