How Warcraft 3 Changed Strategy Games Forever

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This video is over 100 GB and the raw footage was over 800 GB. RIP my storage.

0:00 – Intro
1:03 – The Defense of Strahnbrad
4:55 – Blackrock and Roll
8:23 – Ravages of the Plague
11:28 – The Cult of the Damned
14:34 – March of the Scourge
21:29 – The Culling
27:00 – The Shores of Northrend
31:17 – Dissension
34:49 – Frostmourne
41:41 – Trudging through the Ashes
43:55 – Digging up the Dad
48:08 – Into the Realm Eternal
53:30 – Plot Contrivance of the Three Moons
58:26 – The Fall of Silvermoon
1:08:44 – Blackrock & Roll, To
1:12:26 – The Reforging of Dalaran
1:16:52 – Under the Burning Sky
1:22:05 – Blizzard Is Never Going To Give Me Money…
1:24:56 – Landfall
1:31:28 – The Long March
1:36:03 – Seriously it is kinda weird it happened twice, isn’t it? Like that is so incredibly specific, how the heck could that have come up.
1:43:26 – The Spirits of Ashenvale
1:51:12 – If Mannoroth Was A Summoned Demon Could A Wisp Detonating Purge His Blood From The Orcs And Free Them?
1:56:13 – Wyvern Truth or Dare
2:01:51 – The Oracle
2:05:40 – By Demons Be Driven
2:11:38 – Custom Games
2:13:07 – Enemies at the Gate
2:17:17 – Daughters of the Moon
2:20:18 – I Am Seriously Only Half Way Done Here? These Timestamps Take So Long Dude It Is 4 AM And I Want To Go To Sleeeeeeeeeeeep
2:26:12 – If I Have To Stay Up The Druids Do Too
2:32:44 – Brothers in Blood
2:40:13 – A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow
2:46:33 – My Little Warcraft: Friendship Is Magic
2:57:58 – Rise of the Naga
3:03:14 – The Broken Isles
3:08:48 – How Did Gul’Dan’s Skull Get Removed From This Tomb If Everybody That Went In With Him Died? Did The Demons Sell It On The Auction House?
3:16:05 – Wrath of the Betrayer
3:19:35 – Balancing The Scales (Blizzard Pretending Naga Could Ever Be Balanced…)
3:24:34 – Shards of the Alliance
3:27:35 – The Ruins of Dalaran
3:31:47 – The Brothers Stormrage
3:36:23 – Misterconceptions
3:41:10 – A Dark Covenant
3:46:25 – The Dungeons of Dalaran
3:49:35 – Tower Defense
3:50:43 – Tug-O’-War
3:52:51 – Gates of the Abyss
3:57:49 – Resets Every Tuesday
4:00:22 – Rexxar’s Bizarre Adventure
4:01:35 – Tzarthas
4:07:03 – The Flight from Lordaeron
4:11:15 – The Dank Lady
4:15:38 – The Return To Northrend
4:21:30 – Dreadlord’s Fall
4:26:43 – A New Power in Lordaeron
4:29:36 – This One Has Three Flippin’ Names. That’s Whack yo
4:36:08 – A Symphony of Frost and Flame
4:39:37 – Outro
4:44:07 – Nothing To See Here


29 thoughts on “How Warcraft 3 Changed Strategy Games Forever”

  1. @1:05:58 I don't blame you at all for not realizing (I've played through WC3 multiple times and never noticed either) but Anasterian Sunstrider is the king of the high elves and Kael'thas' father. I legitimately had no idea he was in WC3 at all (unless this is a reforged specific addition, which I haven't played through)

  2. This is going to be a bit of a love letter to GGG.

    Your content on YT is a treasure. From your gameing skills, trough script, to editing itself. I can't give you enough credit and to your editor as well. Thank you for taking us trough this nostalgic memory tripp. It's awesome to see the passion and love that was put into this game 20 years ago, getting the attention it deserves to this day, especialy with you in the driver seat. It was hell of a ride and i honestly can't wait, what will your channel bring next.
    It's crazy that at the end of almost 5 hour long video, i felt like hitting the replay button wasn't such a bad idea.
    From the bottom of my hearth, THANK YOU.

    PS: I may have a suggestion.
    I'm sure you know about Re-reforged campaign. I think there is a lot of potential for future content there.

  3. As a kid I always tought that the ending cinematic for TFT is boring.. Just a dude walking up the stairs. But now it sends a chill down my spine every time I see it. Those whispers from Arthas past set the tone perfectly. And the last one, the one he never heared "Your young prince will find only death in the cold north" is a perfect ending. Reminding you of the long yourney that lead to this. It's simply perfect.

  4. Interesting thought, actually – if Gul'dan wanted to find the Eye of Sargeras, shouldn't it mean that Sargeras is missing an eye? If so, why does he still have both on the artworks?

  5. This is such an incredible work, thanks Grant for doing this for us. Whatever will happen to the statistics of this video I hope you will continue doing them. It's like a Christmas present to find you have released it. <3

  6. Strongly recommend Designer Dave's video on why Reforged failed. Blizzard essentially pulled the rug out from under the WC3 devs they brought back and it screwed up so much of the game. Gods a mercy it's so ugly too….

  7. My gods, this was a nostalgia trip. Warcraft 3 has been on my mind a lot recently for some reason, and this coming out just reminded me of why it's got a permanent rent free room in my skull ever since playing it as a kid. This game changed how I looked at games, how I looked at stories and characters. To young me, the concept that you could follow the journey of someone from bright young hero to irredeemable monster, to them effectively WINNING at the end, and still feel sympathy for their struggles was mindblowing. Sylvanas's arc was heartbreaking and she'll forever be in my list of favourite characters for her sheer resolve.

    I haven't touched the game in many years, and I cut Blizzard out of my games collection entirely a couple of years ago for their atrocious behaviour on so many fronts. Thank you for reminding me of just how good a company and creative team they once were.


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