How Volcanoes Shaped Life On Earth | Earth: Power Of The Planet | BBC Earth Lab

Learn about the significance of these geological cauldrons in the development of life on our planet and the hints they provide as to how we changed from being chemical soups to the intricate systems and complex organisms we are today.

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Best of Earth Lab:
Best of BBC Earth:

Earth: The Power of the Planet
Examining the great forces that shape the Earth – volcanoes, the ocean, the atmosphere and ice – the programme explores their central roles in our planet’s story. How do these forces affect the Earth’s landscape, its climate, and its history? CGI gives the audience a ringside seat at these great events, while the final episode brings together all the themes of the series and argues that Earth is an exceptionally rare kind of planet – giving us a special responsibility to look after our unique world.

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5 thoughts on “How Volcanoes Shaped Life On Earth | Earth: Power Of The Planet | BBC Earth Lab”

  1. Due to the time difference between the film being made and being aired can at times give inaccurate information. This video contains one such example. The stromatilites in Australia are not the oldest organisms, but instead that title goes to some creatures found in Canada. The publication of the findings isn't very old so that is how there is a slight inaccuracy. That being said, I always enjoy BBC Earth


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