How Val Kilmer Really Feels About His Top Gun: Maverick Role

After COVID-related delays, “Top Gun: Maverick” has finally hit movie theater screens, and the buzz around the new film is nothing short of amazing. Fans love the return to the classic days of 80s action flicks, and Tom Cruise has been praised for his return performance as Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. But there is one very special cameo in the film that has fans buzzing.

Val Kilmer was diagnosed with throat cancer a few years ago, and his fight with the disease cost him his voice. But it was incredibly important for Tom Cruise to have his friend reprise his iconic role as Iceman. Using impressive technology, the movie’s technical team managed to give Kilmer his voice back. Here’s how Val Kilmer really feels about his “Top Gun: Maverick” role.

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36 thoughts on “How Val Kilmer Really Feels About His Top Gun: Maverick Role”

  1. The movie would not have been the same if Mav or Iceman were not in this movie together. In the military friendships are made for a lifetime. And these types of connects speak volumes for the bonds our servicemen and women create. Both actors captured that connection in this movie. Well Done.

  2. It was great to have Kilmer as iceman Top gun Maverick. But they have never addressed the issue from the original Top gun as if it was real life Maverick would have won Top gun and Iceman kicked out of school suspended or most of his points taken away because it was his fault Goose died.Many former pilots and instructors from Weapons flight school{Top Gun}weighed in on this saying Iceman was clearly blocking Maverick from getting a shot and scoring points and was asked 2 times to move out of the way because Maverick had the shot and this broke several engagement rules .Maverick got caught in Icemans jet wash because of this.

  3. I hope Val sees this. I grew up with you as one of my heros. Time moves on but legends never die. Till Valhalla! In the mean time can we get some Madmartigan in the new films or I am not gonna bother on principle

  4. I am glade top gun 2 marvick come out I glade thy had valekiller and tom cruise in it and it was a great movie and you have to give lady gaga credited where it is do with the song hold my hand what a great performance with the song and the vedio was great the way thy had the air planes flying above here head in the vedio as she was songs made it well worth it way to go what a smart idea to have here play the song at the end of the movie it made the movie more sexier

  5. I couldn’t help it but I cried in the scene he died bc he was just such an amazing character in both movies and sucks that if they were to make another movie he won’t be in it:(

  6. While much of this is great, I had to pause and drop a couple F bombs….. he does NOT talk by plugging a tube in his esophagus…that is the tube that runs from pie hole to STOMACH. Has nothing to do with speech. He uses a special VALVE in his TRACHEOTOMY which is part of the tube that runs from nose/mouth to LUNGS and also runs across the vocal cords allowing speech…tho it is altered. Sorry for the bitch…. I am a nurse and I HATE when TV/Movies/Media get simple medical shit wrong like this. Loved it otherwise!

  7. The scene wit hIce was needed. It became part of the heart of Mavrick as a character. Someone who saw past Mavrick's devil may care attitude and knew the man put himself on the line time and again to keep everyone around him safe and that ultimately, even now, Goose still haunts him.


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