How to Win the Cold War

Rápido, rápido! Once they sell out they’ll be gone FOREVER! This plushie is my first ever piece of merch, so I worked really hard to get it just right!! It took many revisions, but we got there in the end, I hope you all like it! 🙂

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Thank you @RushMyPancake for jarring my bird 🙂

Bird art by Cass:

The Cold War had a very unique origin in that the main adversaries (the United States and the Soviet Union) had just previously been allies in a separate, historically monumental war. Taken at face value, one might hear that sentence and imagine the Cold War took the combatants by surprise, how could friends so quickly become enemies, after all? But the great irony was that not only was the Cold War not a surprise, but both sides knew it was coming. Even when they had been allies. The Cold War was as pure of a war of ideologies as one could get, not a war of armies and weapons, but one of influence and power. The United States sought to align the world with their capitalist economic model while the Soviets put their effort into reinforcing the communist model, this clash of economic ideologies led to a lot of tension, amplified by the fact that if one side was pushed too hard, nukes would follow. That possibility made this war one of the scariest, even though no shots were fired. For as Albert Einstein is often quoted to have said, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

Works Consulted / Read More:

I had way too many to put into a video description, I put my sources in this google dog here if you are curious:


28 thoughts on “How to Win the Cold War”

  1. Always wondered why Hitler's Bunker was never made into an art piece. Yeah it would be offensive but that's kinda the point. To de-mystify him and make people recognize that, while evil, he's still just flesh and bones. Tagline could be "come see Adolf Hitler's greatest masterpiece" (they might need to do some art restoration for the faded blood).

  2. the yo-yo at 4:23 is incorrect as the string is winding on the incorrect side of the axel, in the animation the string wound on the same side as it fell on the way down. yo-yos use the conservation of angular momentum to store gravitational potential energy into the fast spinning motion that pulls the string around the axel in the opposite direction by continuing to spin, anyway i’m really high but i like yo-yos and felt this was a grave injustice.
    yours truely, a bluejay fan

  3. I refuse to believe the explanation that the cat was too hard to train, so they surgically removed the equipment. Because surely, they'd have tried to train the cat first, and ONLY THEN implanted all of the tech.

  4. JFKennedy was very well aware about the whole "Cold War" thingy. Heard of the "Cuban Missile Crisis"? Guess who started it. Bonus points for knowing the country where missiles were located.

  5. Apart from the really funny and well made video.

    If you really compare both sides in culture, intelligence, science and military, USA will come out on top in all of these.

    Only thing the soviets were ahead in was counter-intelligence as you told in the video. They were really good at killing spies and carrying out assassinations. Apart from this they were largely incompetent.

  6. Given America designed the F-15 and the 16 during the cold war…Military would have to go to the US…also the nuke missiles too…the Davy Crocket, the nuclear powered tanks…the US did a lot of funny military shit.

  7. re – 5:00
    General Macarthur, hero of WWII (to the americans. Probably not to the Germans, though) was still a General in the 50s. I think he was a 3 or 4 star General by then. He was commander of the U.S. forces fighting in Korea. He wanted to use nukes against the Koreans and the Chinese. I can't remember if he wanted to nuke Russia, too, but as Russia already had nukes by 1949, everyone else though his plan was SUPER CRAZY. But, because he kept pushing for nukes, because he kept reaching for that red button, American president Truman fired him (mid 1951).
    Edit – He requested 34 nuclear bombs be sent to American forces in Korea, for use in his grand plan.


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