Having Paint Watch ME Dry!



28 thoughts on “Having Paint Watch ME Dry!”

  1. Ok, enough is enough. My poor sweet Alexa has developed a personality disorder. She has unfinished lists, random timers and is trying really hard to turn on stuff I don't have. Oh and keeps on trying to get me to make waffles. Dog nabbit

  2. Scientifically speaking, a single water molecule is not wet until it hits another water molecule. therefore, a cup of water is wet. a shoe full of water is wet. the ocean is wet. a drop of water is wet. but one molecule is not wet

  3. So I’m watching an old one of your videos “Roasting 90s videos” Cam said you and Cam were talking about fake senseis and I’m suggesting a “guess the fake sensei or real sensei” please make this happen 😳

  4. Water is an adjective for when water molecules touch another molecule so when water molecules touch water molecules they are wet. Unless you have a single H2O molecule, water is wet.


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