How to Turn Bad OKRs into Good OKRs by Christina Wodtke at Lean Product Meetup

Product design expert Christina Wodtke gave the talk “How to Turn Bad OKRs into Good OKRs” at Lean Product Meetup September 13, 2022.

Christina has led redesigns and new product offerings for LinkedIn, Myspace, Zynga, Yahoo!, Hot Studio, and eGreetings. She founded two consulting startups, a product startup, and Boxes and Arrows, an online magazine of design; and she co-founded the Information Architecture Institute. She’s the author of Radical Focus, an incredibly popular book on how to use OKRs (objectives and key results). She also wrote 101 Theses on Design, Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web, and Pencil Me In.

If you would like to see more videos like this check out the followings talks from past months:

▶ Dan Olsen’s Product-Market Fit talk at Mind the Product SF 2018:

▶ Jake Knapp about his new book “Make Time” :

▶ Box CEO Aaron Levie Interview:

▶ “Product is Hard” by Marty Cagan

▶ “Jobs to Be Done” by Tony Ulwick:

▶ Using Data to Set Your Product Strategy by Justin Bauer, who is the VP of Product at Amplitude:

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