How To Survive On Mars – Mitsi Studio

How would you survive Mars? No oxygen, no surface water, and tons of radiation. Check out our brave astronaut challenging Mars and building humanities first settlement.

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50 thoughts on “How To Survive On Mars – Mitsi Studio”

  1. This should have more views. I hope you have a patreon that leaves you rolling in cash. And even if a few videos dont't do as well as you'd hope, down the line you are bound to have successes that will more than make up for it.

  2. One aspect of Mars not mentioned: the extremely high levels of toxic perchlorates in the Martian soil. The soil contains 0.5% calcium perchlorate, which at this level is toxic to humans. It's also not so good for plants too, since it disrupts the production of chlorophyll which keeps the plant alive.
    Of course, it'll make a great component of solid rocket fuel, if you can build a refining plant fast enough and make it into a rocket booster before your food runs out.

  3. the prisoner of yourself part sounds familiar to me
    howewewer…..very good and…kinda of sad (its sad 'cause i have the dream to start an italian colony on mars….and now you listed all the problems to go there…but i do not surrender!!!! mars would have his tricolor flag!!!)video


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