How To Reclaim A Planet Infested by The DARK FOG | 03 | Dyson Sphere Program | Let Play

Build the most efficient intergalactic factory in space simulation strategy
game Dyson Sphere Program! Harness the power of stars, collect resources, plan and design production lines and develop your interstellar factory from a small space workshop to a galaxy-wide industrial empire

Free Content Update for Dyson Sphere Program release 15th of December 2023. The Darkfog expands in response to the your progress. If the number of defense towers is insufficient when hordes of enemies invade, your defensive line will quickly be overrun.

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Seed: 17754169
Resources: 0.5
Dark Fog: Aggressiveness: Sharp
Dark Fog: Density: 2

Save games are available to Patreon supporters of Protector Rank or higher

#DysonSphere #DarkFog #StayEffective


43 thoughts on “How To Reclaim A Planet Infested by The DARK FOG | 03 | Dyson Sphere Program | Let Play”

  1. Man Skip a lot of the pain of resources by setting up a dark fog farm near your hub.

    I've got an array of missiles and auto collectors just constantly farming their loot. It's a bit of a pain to "sort" it out and there's an ingame list of what they drop at what levels. Press Z to go into combat mode then click the pickup / drop filter settings. There's a second tab showing the dark fog drops at different levels.

    It'll be worth checking out to help with supplementing resources (can also sort of self sustain ammo)

  2. Question Nilaus, especially in regards to Titanium and early game Yellow Science, wouldnt it be simpler to mine the rocks on your first planet just for the start?

    I am usually doing this just to get additional ressources especially at the start of a game. Now currently so far that I can make Auto Pilers, all from the ressources on Planet one. Havent left it once and defeated my main Dark Fog Unit present.

  3. I don't want to misinterpret what's happening in the game, but it seems the Dark Fog are written with an incredibly advanced AI. Is this similar to everyone else? Also note that I'm not good at these types of games so I turned down the difficulty, threat, and aggression, but cranked up their EXP. This is my early game experience:

    I launched 4 attacks on the Dark Fog tower on my home planet, each time I brought Prototype drones with me. I haven't defeated the tower yet, I've only tried lowering the Threat level.

    The 1st attack, they all swarmed my Icarus, so me and my drones massacred them since they were clumped up.

    The 2nd attack only went this way because there were lots of trees in the area, so it added to the spectacle. This time, they advanced in a line, rather than swarm me. Because of this, they appeared like the samurai army in The Last Samurai and it blew me away. It was like they tried separating my drones from me and defeating them in detail, which somewhat worked because I lost some drones and was repelled before I could lower the Threat meter as much as I wanted.

    The 3rd attack is when the flyers showed up, and it seemed like the ground forces swarmed me while the flyers attacked my Prototypes. Idk though because it was like my drones were baiting the flyers, and I was easily able to shoot them down

    The 4th attack seemed like a counter rush where they kept throwing everything at me, because I wasn't able to shoot the flyers down as easily, they didn't go for my drones. Has anyone else noticed them changing tactics each time you engage them?

  4. If you hold forward (w) while flying into a planet, you will just fly straight into it instead of your mecha trying to dampen the landing and flinging you in a different direction entirely, your mecha sustains no damage from impacting the planet, even at 2000 speed

  5. Fun fact that came to mind after the warnings at 21:13. I was carrying several thousand titanium in my hand, and was almost landed at my homeworld, when the Dark Fog launched an attack and I automatically went into combat mode. This caused me to drop all of the titanium. After that I just waited until after the attack to head home.

  6. Thank you for your videos, great presentation. I'm really glad the addition of enemies isn't too distracting from the factory building side of things, I was quite apprehensive when
    i first heard they'd done this because if I'd wanted a combat based game I would've bought a combat based game.

  7. So, when starting out is the first priority to setup blue science, then research Gauss Cannons and BABs to farm the base? So you don't need defenses all over to destroy random bots?

    Got annoyed this morning when I found out the attacks can split up, and I couldn't fly yet to take care of 2 prongs.

  8. First build everything, before dropping power. This will make the threat levels increase only when it is powered … and then you can easily wreck frour bases with missiles easily … @Nilaus, you mentioned that this is the hardest part of the game … it is not, as nothing will happen if you build for hours if nothing is powered …

  9. I'm buying the game next week. I would never have bought this game before, I'm not that into base byilding games, but the combat stuff just makes it for me. Theres a purpose to building and automating now! Or rather, more than just building. Im so excited, like i haven't veen for a game since Tony hawk's pro skater on the ps one in 1999!

  10. So according to one of Nilaus' remarks, the Dark Fog only attacks "liberated" planets in a system if you wipe them off ALL planets? I.e. as long as I leave them alone (or at least allow one base?) on one planet, they will only launch local attacks there and leave the other planets alone?

  11. I was just trying to sort out that red science puzzle in the blueprints last night… but I had already unlocked 900 size blueprints. 😓 It did make me extra appreciative of how well the new blueprints are labeled.

  12. I'm not seeing the turret blueprints on the google drive, but perhaps those are still being refined and not available yet?
    I'm particularly interested in the design with the signal tower.

  13. I think the reason destroying the ground bases produces barely any threat (other than for gameplay balance reasons) is that the planetside assets are all super expendable and replacable while the orbital hub is a big investmentm as long as the satelite can safely leave it can then just go and set up again somewhere else with no effort.

  14. What I have learned from all these videos last few days is to just skip normal turrets… Dunno if they are of more use on higher difficulties but on my current run, I didn't need them at all… just some ammo manually crafted for when I get an attack, and then go kill them once I have missiles…

  15. The devs need to fix their recipies. Newer outputs should not require old inputs. Making a tier 2 belt should not require a tier 1 belt. Making Titanium sabots should not require copper bullets. Tier 2 assemblers should not require tier 1 assemblers. If reality worked the way the devs thought it did then we would have to make 100 sliderules to make a single computer.


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