How to Protect Fruit Trees from Squirrels and Other Animals

Check out this method to stop your fruit from being stolen by squirrels and other animals. Make sure there are no gaps!

Link to net:

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11 thoughts on “How to Protect Fruit Trees from Squirrels and Other Animals”

  1. Did the netting work for you? I have the same issue with squirrels eating my peaches. They jump from my fence onto the tree. The squirrels bit through my netting and ate most of my peaches. Its just a matter of time before they get the rest. Last year I tried a spice spray and applied weekly. That didn't work either. I'm open for other suggestions.

  2. When you use netting how do you harvest your stone fruit? Mine comes on over 2-3 weeks, as I harvest it only as it is perfect for eating. Not sure how you get in and out of the net daily or every other day to do your picking.

  3. Just this week I saw a squirrel running across the picket fence with one of my three peaches. I got the tree last September as a birthday gift. We were so excited this spring to see that we actually had 3 peaches. Unfortunately the peach that I saw the squirrel running away with was the last one. He had already eaten the other two. I'll be looking into the netting for next year. Thank you! 🍑🚫🐿️

  4. I am going to try this. I have a peach and apple tree. Each year all the fruit disappears once when the fruit becomes about the size if a large marble. The squirrels in my neighbourhood are crazy🤪

  5. Fox squirrels were nibbling at and running off with our loquats here & there. When fruit was fully ripe they cleaned off the tree in 24 hours. Then on to our soon-to-be-ripe peaches 🍑& nectarines 😖…SO frustrating after 5 yrs of planting, watering and caring for them 💰💰💰 , finally to have a good yield, but losing to critters . After looking into solutions I read a thread that many had stopped seeing them as cute, harmless, creatures and wanted them GONE. I was THERE, so I insisted my husband order top rated Quell squirrel trap—a KILL trap. I've set it daily in the crotch of a large jacaranda tree since day it arrived.
    Works great! Has killed 15 squirrels in 1 1/2 weeks! I load it with one peanut 🥜stuck to the wooden base w peanut butter. They simply cannot resist a single peanut🥜…even if they witness another squirrel killed in the trap. The squirrels don't even have a chance to get the peanut in their mouth before powerful trap springs, always smashing at the jugular for a quick kill. So, I pick up the peanut that sometimes fall out when trap & squirrel fall to the ground below, and reuse it.
    I bought bag of peanuts 🥜at 99 Cent Store. No need to buy squirrel attractant!
    The fox squirrels are NOT native to Southern California but were introduced by Civil war vets living in a home near Griffith Park in LA. Workers there said they couldn't use government food to feed their pet squirrels anymore so they were released & multiplied in Griffith Park…eventually migrating to Long Beach, where we live. I first started seeing them in a local park about 20-25 years ago, now they are everywhere!
    Problem is that although they are rodents people don't kill them as they do rats 🐀, which we would be overrun with if not for trapping & poisoning them.

    Mom once had to hire tree trimmer to cut large limb from our historic jacaranda tree because squirrels were getting into the shake roof of the house from it 😵 Fox squirrels are among the largest of squirrel species.

    I've just netted peach & nectarines with same mesh you used but not as wide (challenging), that I bought at the 99 Cent store (no zip ties). This is keeping the birds off them for the most part. Today I will harvest fresh, ripe, peaches🍑🍑🍑!!!! So happy to dwindle the line of predatory fruit-nibblers as our FIRST BIG crop of apricots🍑, since we planted the tree 5 yrs ago, are maturing! Can't wait for them. We also have 3 other peach 🍑trees, 3 apple 🍎🍏trees & a wonderful fig tree, with which I will be able to feed MY FAMILY 🙂

    Hope this helps some of you to get over any guilt you might feel about killing squirrels that rob you of all your money & labors to grow fruit! P.S. I found the BEST Georgia peach cobbler recipe last. My family LOVED it.


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