How To Get Your Gun Rights Back

So I’ve been out of town on “Vacation” for a while, this is what I was up to. Thank you to everyone who showed up to see my speak, it was great meeting you!


Second Channel:

Instagram: @RealBrandonHerrera.


26 thoughts on “How To Get Your Gun Rights Back”

  1. Thanks for watching guys, and thank you to everyone who showed up! It’s a blast getting to talk to the next generation of folks who’ll be holding the line long after I inevitably blow myself up! And thanks to YAL for somehow inviting me back!

  2. My mother-in-law taught her daughters to fear and dislike guns once she stole them from their father. It's a good thing I fixed that and my sister-in-law's boyfriend did the same.

  3. I played this for my family, and we all clapped and cheered for this, thank you for your wisdom Brandon. we ill continue to do our part and share with other the importance of the constitution and the 2A.

  4. Видос о какой-то хуете касательно ограничения прав на оружие в США, нихуя не понял, но просто рад видеть Брендона

  5. The best thing about this video was that it wasn't ambiguous. He made very clear where the line in the sand was. He advocated voting over violence but told the crooks in DC where the line is that they do not cross and that is outright confiscation. They'll still try to label you a domestic terrorist when the time comes but you at least did your part. Good work, Brandon.


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