How to Deal With Victim Mentality | Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart responds to a question about avoiding adopting a “victimhood identity” in the wake of trauma or abuse.

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45 thoughts on “How to Deal With Victim Mentality | Eckhart Tolle”

  1. I want to ask anybody who understands how you deal with victimhood identity, how you heal yourself from it ? I understood presence is very important, but what you do with it, what is the step by step ?

  2. This speech is very profound.
    It made me to remember the moments when I was striving to identify myself as a victim – in workplace, with relatives, in relationships and etc.
    It's very important to recognize such tendencies in yourself and to draw the line between the ego and the right thoughts.
    In order to do this, one has to train this in his everyday life and it should give a result. Just as a physical training.

  3. The volume of the sound seems to get louder or softer with your own voice so it's harder to listen to comfortably and understand. It's a microphoning problem. It sounds like bad cell connection, in other words. I hope this isn't the standard for all upcoming videos.

  4. I have heard something similar before. Although I agree that we can exploit our past pain by boosting our ego I find the explanation limited.

    We have a real problem in our world where unbalanced or subconscious people are ongoing dominating individuals and groups because they find themselves superior. These are masculine energy people dismissing all related to the feminine energy and it’s manifestations including consciousness, society and nature. This onesided focus on the masculine energy causes an imbalance that is fundamentally destroying our planet and it’s life. The unbalanced activities are causing deep pain and suffering in the marginalized feminine group.

    In Africa where I live people are struggling to survive because they are victims of the eternal greed of the manifestations of the masculine energy. What I meet are not victim inflated egos but people carrying huge burdens of hardship and sadness.

    I would like to know how we stop the unconscious humans; how we can balance their masculine energy with a portion of the feminine to create balance and harmony that can save our previous planet and it’s beautiful life.

  5. So helpful I feel I was trapped in this identity for some time.. I am seeing it gives us no liberation.. I just watched that powerful Netfix documentary on Janet Jackson and she was so strong in never acting like a victim even when really misunderstood by society.

  6. This definitely hit home for me. I'm still trying to connect the dots with how keeping and identifying yourself as a victim even if those things did happen to you give you a high sense of morality, like is it the mentality of " wow even though such and such happened to me I'm still such a good person, and I would never inflict the pain that I've felt unto others?" Bc there's definitely a huge sense of that in the world and my ego has definitely been very very guilty of this.

  7. There are states that use this collective victimhood and inflict suffering to other communities continously ! And this results of course in a vicious cycle of aggression , pain and injustice . Everyone suffers in the end. This is the evil power of the ego . Ego is extremely dangerous . I wish that all humans would become conscious of that. Thank you for all your teachings 🙏

  8. I hope one day he will introduce the super potent, simple technique of recuperating the energy trapped in the past: the technique of the recapitulation breath as presented byTaisha Abelar and Carlos Castaneda. It will function as a GREAT compliment of his strategy and insights!

  9. When I figure out how much these videos have helped me beat Parkinson's, I'll finish my autobiography & post a link.

    Meanwhile, I sent a link to this video to my friend/neighbor MC here in Akko because when we met, I was saying, see how bad it is, I have to hold the wall to get to the toilet. (My legs were that shaky now I am fine). MC said, "you think that's bad? I was so bad once I had to crawl on the floor to get to the toilet. You've got it easy." It went on like that, for 10 months, until I moved out (down the street across the railroad tracks, not very far). Luckily, we had two psychotherapists that both referred each of us to these videos. I still send him clips, links & comments, it always sounds like you're talking about us. Thanks.

  10. Thank you, this is so well explained and I imagine it would be hard to listen to some and for us to recognise the victim in us. The ego is so clever, thanks for pointing this out to all of us. You’re doing a great service to humanity.

  11. The essence of the victim mentality is not wanting to be responsible for one's own life, and the spiritual food of the victim mentality also comes from feeling anxious about not being able to find someone who can take over the responsibility in one's own life. That’s why I don’t like mainstream artists, they are ALL telling and teaching us how to be a more Irresponsible and more complaining negative people.


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