How To Bring The Magic Of Disney To Your Customer Service

Do you want to create a magical customer service experience for your clients? In this episode, Vance Morris joins Matt to share his seven keys to turning your customer service into an amazing experience for your customers.

Vance Morris is the Service & Marketing Strategist at Deliver Service Now Institute. He is a former Birth Control Factory Security Guard turned Disney Leader, turned Bankrupt Out of Work Executive, turned Carpet Cleaner, turned Successful Entrepreneur.


05:56: Deliver ServiceNow Institute is all about creating experiences for clients. They use the term “Disnify”, which is creating experiences out of the mundane. Every business has tons of things that are mundane that they need to do day in and day out to keep the business running. Disney has just created experiences out of each one of those touchpoints and so can you!

08:59: Vance’s 7 Magic Keys to Disnifying your customer service. They are namely, creating the wow experience, focussing on the details, the employee experience, your service standards, the environment that you have your employees working in, the process and the magic of bringing it all together.

22:40: Disney’s anticipatory service – anticipating what the guest and or customer is going to ask.

34:41: Line-ertainment – Enterainment while you wait in line at Disney or for your package to arrive from your favorite eCommerce store.

For complete show notes, transcript and links to our guest, check out our website:


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