How To Beat The DEATH GAME In "Choose Or Die"

If you were cursed to play a video game that forces you to make brutal decisions and watch them happen in real life, what would you do?

Thank you for watching Netflix’s Choose or Die explained and review of how to beat.

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29 thoughts on “How To Beat The DEATH GAME In "Choose Or Die"”

  1. I mean I admit this was just crazy as shit fr, but think abt the ending, he said she is now able to use it against anyone she wants, meaning over time she could possibly get the creator to trust her, and then end his life, ending the game forever.

  2. I used to watch you every single day a year ago and u used to be so underrated I’m so glad you got the fame you deserved and I’m glad that I could be one of your oldest fans and see as you make more progress each and every day :))

  3. Have you actually watched this movie? You seem to describe some of the plot/scenes inaccurately . For example, the final boss level the wife doesn’t shoot her causing her to fall into the pool – the man slits his own throat where she staggers back with the statue pinning her to the bottom of the pool. So she begins to drown (presumably faster than the cut on her throat?)

  4. I'd choose all unless it's something with my like hurting any animal or anyone in my family or homeless people
    I mean if had a thing oh kill or die I say kill and if had choose between a rich random person or random poor person I pick rich because chance it's one kartrashians or hell even trump

  5. ,,the woman fires the gun but it knocks the girl in the pool and she cant swim back up,, actually i watched the whole movie and from what i can remember it wasnt because of the woman the girl got the idea that she can kill him by jumping in the pool so she got something heavy and jumped in the pool with it so she cant swim bACK up and it killed the man by drowning him

  6. i would pretty much just leave my phone at home and take the computer and the game into some old abandoned area that i would go to every day at the exact time that it starts, so i can completely avoid involving anyone else. i would then play the game until i win, put it onto my phone, and then use the rune to undo any negative things the game did. as long as i don't die while playing it, i would end up with the godlike power of the game at my disposal. so i basically either die, or get superpowers.

  7. huh? this doesnt explain why the creator was a sentient tv. Did he get magically healed so much be ascended reality and became an omniscient god? Why wouldn't destroying the game work? The game is not god, but a basic game that uses magic code. But you can disrupt this magic code by destroying the electronics, and then the code wouldn't work.
    And how did the father die but the girl live? And it's stupid the girl used the magic symbol/redistributed the game because that bad guy won't get killed by the game, and ultimately face her as a final boss, where she might just die?
    And apart from that I don't think any of the techniques you suggested would of worked. The movie makes no sense but it seems to tell that "cursor" is practically the devil: a all seeing, and controlling sadistic god. You can't out trick a god.

  8. They should've made this an interactive movie, where you're in control of Kayla's choices. And all choices matter, with different outcomes or challenges based on previous choices.

  9. Don't overestimate me and think I could any of this, im dead sir 💀 good day. Let's also enjoy the red shirt npc who decided to play along for some reason despite being useless and a target 👏

  10. Ok first of all why didn't you mention that she should of 100% chosen rewind to save her friend instead of fast-forward to kill him… that part made no sense to me unless she wanted to kill him she didn't seen to care to much.

    Second the writers should of had her choose the dead brother that would of been crazy to see what would of happened. It seemed like they were just doing some lazy writing just to get to The end scene which was pretty obvious btw smh and yawn.

    Third this movie could of been great but bad writers always kills the potential of the film…


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