How to Beat the DEATH CURSE in SMILE

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If an evil entity was going to force you to unalive unless you found someone to take your place, what would you do?

I’m going to break down the mistakes made, what you should do, and how to beat the Death Curse in SMILE.

Written By: Martin Now

This video may show minor dramatized, fictional violence from movies.
Fictional violence is not the focus of this video, and excessively violent imagery has been blurred, masked, obscurred, or omitted.

This content may include facetious remarks, occasional mild profanity, and mild references.

This content is for entertainment only. None of the strategies or advice present in this video is to be condoned or treated seriously.

If your Youtube homepage is full of puppys howling, Ryan’s World, and Fortnite, you should probably leave now..


30 thoughts on “How to Beat the DEATH CURSE in SMILE”

  1. Loved the demons wierd ass design, all those teeth eeeeek.
    I also found it a bit relatable, especially her skin picking which is something i still do. Going through therapy was so good for me, trauma is a hard battle to fight. Her husband also reminded me of my ex a bit, who i always felt like a burden around because of my mental health,. If she had ended her life with no witnesses the demon would not have been able to spread, or other ways to help is a priest because they always seem to know what to do in these movies. Trauma is difficult to fight alone and its even harder to find someone to open up to who will listen and not judge your experiences or feelings. The more you push it down the stronger it gets.
    Its also interesting that the thing is never completely explained, where it came from, how it all began, the death that started them all.

  2. That's a type of horror i'm always afraid of
    You can always fight or run from serial killers or monsters, but this is just a nightmare that you can't escape (via conventional methods), and no matter where you hide, the curse is still here

  3. 6 mins in and i just must say something. IDK WHY PEOPLE IN MOVIES AND IN REAL LIFE THINK THEIR HOME IS BEING INVADED AND GRAB SCISSORS, A KNIFE, BASEBALL BAT, A HOCKEY STICK??!?!! Why do you think your an ninja assassin or something, GET A GUN YOU MORON. One of my friends, we argue because he believes in the idea “having a gun in the house, increases the odds of an getting shot or hurting your loved ones”. So he says a baseball bat and his german shepherd is what he uses. And if what if someone kills your dog dude, what then? He says, “against a german shepherd? Ha, good luck!”

    Home invader:*bang, bang* “well that was easy, time to rape that lady upstairs”

    People are dumb

  4. I think I have an idea…she’s a mental health professional with access to psychopaths and narcissists who don’t feel empathy and might not experience trauma in the same way. You might be able to confuse this “demon” by killing someone with one of these people as your witness. It might just beat the cycle.

  5. As a kid I remember having these “episodes” where If I would stare at someone there head would grow and pulsate and everything around almost looked like in a game where you turned your fov up super high idk just the thought I had from seeing this movie


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