How the West Is Fueling Russia’s War on Ukraine | System Error

Oil fuels international conflict, corruption and authoritarianism while also killing the planet. Until now, most nations were happy to put up with this, but Russia’s war with Ukraine may spell an end to that. ​​

So far, EU countries have paid Russia $44 billion for oil and gas since the conflict began. In this episode, we investigate how the fossil fuels are financing Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

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22 thoughts on “How the West Is Fueling Russia’s War on Ukraine | System Error”

  1. I like how vice ignores the fact that the US is the number one consumer and refiner of oil by a huge margin. They mention dictators and corrupt regimes being cursed by oil. No mention of the US….

    Vice will always be simple propaganda for simple American minds.

  2. Our planet now is just a massive toilet, everything from the water we drink to the very air we breathe is heavily contaminated by man-made chemicals, oil, heavy metals and radioactive waste. As far as saving our planet We've shot past the point of no return a long time ago and I'm afraid that no green energy initiative will ever be enough. Hundreds of species go extinct every year and those are the species we've discovered who knows how many more we've lost. Our time on this planet is coming to an end wether it's by conflict or sickness and starvation and with global temperatures rising every year and the ever growing shortage of clean drinkable water our time on this planet shouldn't be measured in centuries or even decades it should be measured in generations.

  3. Biden and NATO seems to start the war for domination of the world! When at meetings about war against Putin, Biden can speak straight from his mouth without aids of note and confidence at what he wanted to say.

  4. The propiganda is mind blowing. No one really believes we are going to stop using oil. If you want to cut the power and go back to the 1800s that's fine, but stop spreading the lie about green energy. This is being talked about everywhere like it's something that's going to happen. It's not possible and the wide spread propiganda is just a sign that powerful people are out to get us. Welcome to 1984


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