How the Soviet Union Stood with India Against All Odds against the US #shorts

In 1971, when tensions between India and Pakistan were on its peak, Pakistan launched a sudden assault on 11 Indian airbases.

India immediately declared war and sent their 3 armies attacking Pakistan from every front.

But the US was in favor of Pakistan, so Nixon ordered the air force of Jordan, Iran, France and Turkey to station their aircrafts in Pakistan.

The US also sent the USS Enterprise Aircraft carrier into the bay of Bengal along with the British navy that sent the HMS Eagle to strike Indian cities.
India was completely isolated internationally, so it was a matter of time before surrendering, …

…until the Soviet Union entered the scene.
The Soviets threatened all the countries supporting Pakistan of direct intervention and war on them if they attacked India.
Next the Red Army deployed several fragates, destroyers and even nuclear submarines to stop the US and Britain.

After the US warships saw the nuclear submarines in the bay of Bengal, they decided to flee the scene. Even HMS Eagle was diverted to Madagascar.

Stripped of international support, Pakistan couldn’t sustain the conflict, leading to India’s victory and Bangladesh’s liberation.
When every country was against India, the Soviet Union stood by India in their darkest hours.
How the Soviet Union Stood with India Against All Odds against the US #shorts


11 thoughts on “How the Soviet Union Stood with India Against All Odds against the US #shorts”

  1. Your explanation of this is very tribalistic and basic:
    – No backstory of the reason behind India’s intervention in Bangladesh despite its good intentions.
    – No explanation of reasoning behind American and British support for Pakistan (+you make the small naval showing sound like an existential threat to India)
    – Far from India’s darkest hour

  2. whoa whoa whoa… Ok, this makes it look like pakistan struck first. Let's not forget India invaded east pakistan which was already suffering from civil war and THEN pakistan launched air strikes into india. Let's try to get facts straight without agenda….


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