Elon Musk also wants to NUKE MARS | Part 4

Elon Musk has an absolutely INSANE plan to terraform Mars!


31 thoughts on “Elon Musk also wants to NUKE MARS | Part 4”

  1. Yeah You ever see the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie where the bad guys break the glass window and the gravity sucks everyone out the window and there mining there and they have some crazy machine that puts you in a vr like world and you get stuck in it

  2. One problem is getting Mars to produce a magnetic field that would protect it the way Earth's does. It's core is dead and doesn't produce the magnetic field to protect it from the Sun's ultraviolet particles. Therefore the ozone layer burns off and then the atmosphere cooks right off.
    The upper atmosphere of Venus is supposed to be more viable for a cloud city type base.
    Elon loves to make ridiculous promises because he is a narcissistic troll…

  3. The “genius” himself, doesn’t even know radiation exists.
    Plus, Mars atmosphere is super thin!
    You would ruin it more and it would destroy the planet itself.
    The radiation would probably attract more sunlight…

  4. Going to Mars is inevitable. Even if people think of it as just a "practice planet" before we move on to some other habitable planet. The human race is going to die out in 100 years if we continue on the path we're currently on.

  5. Exactly, terraforming Mars would take significant resources from the earth, a closed ecosystem, to creat a tenuous foothold on Mars. That would need more and more resources from Earth to expand. Earth cannot support life on two separate planets. Rather than deplete our limited resources, we should use the resources of other planets and asteroids.

  6. Or, we can take the kids excess co2 emissions from other planets like earth to mars via teleportation.
    We have a archived the early stages of this at the large hadron collider in Switzerland plus we probably reverse engineered some stuf the public has seen but has no idea explanation for

  7. we can't have water on Mars…. Mars has no tectonic plates and fire to stop the water entering underground and to the way to the center…! here (Earth) the temperature stopped the water entering underground…if Earth cools our seas will go underground…!


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