How Putin ran out of options to defend Crimea | Keir Giles

“Russia is burning through some of the most experienced troops that they have remaining after the ground forces have been decimated by the earlier months of fighting.”

Putin appears to have backed into a corner on defending Crimea as he is unable to respond to Ukrainian attacks on the peninsula says Ker Giles.

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20 thoughts on “How Putin ran out of options to defend Crimea | Keir Giles”

  1. Run out of options? Nah. They will figure out how to adapt and build new weapons to counter it plus they will surely destroy the origin – from manufacturing, storage, battlefield locations and personnel. And that will be added to their battlefield doctrine. Remember that Russia is not the soviet union, and they already trashed the soviet army doctrine a long time ago.

  2. People who think Russia will lose Crimea must have problems with reality< Russia has not made an all out effort to smash Ukraine. This guy seems to think Russia has changed its system of fighting this American proxy war, It seems that he thinks Russia would have behaved like an automaton and not adapted, he thinks like an American Russia all bad Russians are slow fools, how wrong can he be. Take a look at geriatric Joe Biden who does not know what going on. This fool thinks China is sitting on the sidelines were has he seen any signs of this. Ukraine 500,000 lost Russia 60,000 lost Russia available troops 1,000,000

  3. A very interesting interview. Especially on the psychic of Russia that it always will want to be an empire and has the right to invade its neighbours . Wonder if the world should isolate Russia completely and not trade with Russia at all. This is a ore far reaching and long term than what the sanctions have done. I know it is not as simple as that as where would the oil and gas come from. USIA’s needs to be hobbled o an extent that makes it hard to rebuild its war machine

  4. Miren los videos en Tribun Timur y Canal Conocimiento Militar y después hablen con la verdad. Y espero que todos los que alimentaron con armas y dinero esta matanza les toque el turno en el frente.
    Ya es hora de ir a pelear por el imperio en decadencia😊😊

  5. Neverending story ; while we all trusted free World trade treaties would keep flourishing freelly for the better of the whole world ,… Danger was lurking in silence …, just waiting . Waiting for the proper oportunistic Time to ATTACK with all its might . Facts áre not reasonable ; they áre only what they áre regardless of any reasonable logic . Thanks regards , bye bye .

  6. The Bible states that God will replace human governments. He “will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.”—Daniel 2.44.

    Soon, everyone will be faced with a decision to make: continue your confidence in corrupt human world leaders and their political and commercial system leading everyone to their everlasting destruction, or support God's Kingdom and have the hope of living forever on earth 🌎 Psalms 37.29.

  7. General Milley, such a pleasure hearing you speak, hearing what is really happening in this war and your positive attitude and conjectures. Until a few weeks ago, we heard nothing but constant drivel from the News Media especially on You Tube from people who had no clue what was really going on in Ukraine even those who had correspondents on the front lines. One of their favorite gambits has been that Putin would go Nuclear. When you mention to them that Norway Nukes alone can destroy Russia in less than 30 minutes, they clam up. Another favorite story is the Republicans want to defund monies for Ukraine.


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