How Paimon LEAKED Her Own Identity | Genshin Impact Theory

In this Genshin Impact Theory video, I will attempt to speculate on who Paimon really is. Is she the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles? The God of Time? A Seelie? Interestingly, we’ve already got a lot of clues in regards to finally explaining who Paimon is, because Paimon LEAKED her own identity without any of us realizing it.

This is the first video of my five part Genshin Impact Theory series. Throughout these videos, I will speculate on the entire story of Genshin Impact. But before we discuss everything about the game, we need to first try and identity who Paimon actually is. Is it possible that Paimon actually leaked her own identity throughout the game and we just didnt know about it? And what is the meaning of the False Sky that Scaramouche mentioned?

What are the secrets hidden behind the world of Genshin Impact and the existence of the traveler?
Hopefully this is a good starting to point to finally uncover the entire story of Genshin Impact.

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28 thoughts on “How Paimon LEAKED Her Own Identity | Genshin Impact Theory”

  1. I saw a theory vid saying paimon was the primordial one long time ago before the sumeru update O v O, and they said somethin like a similer situation as nahida(i mean paimon being the weakened state of the primordial one)

  2. There's a slight problem with your transaltions for Logos. When you look into the origins, you'll actually find its predecessor and root word "Lego" to mean:
    "Holy shit that hurt. My foot feels like it just got stabbed by 10 knives."

  3. i feel like the primordial one was most logical based on her name meaning and the symbol on her chest and something about her being similar to hokai….its been awhile since ive seen that video on youtube so if something not right please forgive me. but this video reminded me of that other one. plus she knows almost everything about tevyat as our tour guide.

  4. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27)
    The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
    I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5)
    And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30)

  5. (spoilers for the end of sumerus archon quest) Sadly, this theory is debunked by the fact that when you finish the archon quest, it stays clear that paimon is from this world, while Phanes isn't

  6. Paimon may most likely be a heavenly principle arbiter of some sort, most likely linked to fate or destiny, the teyvat chapter storyline isn't a trailer, it's word for word basically the plot, "the perpetual meantime of a sheltered eternity", pay close attention to those words, and the rescuing of "her" I believe is being referred to paimon, but I may be wrong ofc

  7. Ok I agree with everything a hundred percent, but is it possible that Paimon will be on the other side of the chessboard? Like the other sibling as we have learned has records in Irminsul unlike the traveller we chose to play with. What if Paimon is the king, but for the other side because based on her dialogues it's almost like she's hinting about leaving us. Just a theory so not confirmed.

  8. You didn't address the newest thing about the change to history and how the traveler, not their sibling, is the only one unaffected by it and had no record of existence but paimon and the sibling do, meaning according to nahida you aren't of this world at all.

  9. Paimon is the entity that was born with your sealed powers and those of heavenly principle. Everybody knows that. That's why the "emergency food" joke is a hit in devs rooms.
    (Because the traveler needs to "absorb/eat" Paimon to recover his/her power)
    (And emergency because that's the end game plot twist)

  10. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong

    If Nahida have the power to erase something from the irmsul tree and make everyone forgot everything about a certain topic, there is the chance that Paimon is the Primordial one but at some point she got "guobafied" and somehow got erased from the irmsul tree and now not even her remember herself?

  11. I personally think that instead of being primordial one she is the first who came. Her being the first who came is more logical because the primordial one is evil and the first who came is not. Her being first who came makes sense because paimon is weak which makes sense because the first who came reincarnated into paimon causing her to turn weaker. Damn I just wrote that lol 😂😂😂


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